Videos showing the moment of the explosion were disseminated through social networks

This Saturday morning, on the highway Tula-Tlalhuelilpanat the height of the colony Iturbewas registered a strong explosion of a Gas pipe that was supplying fuel to a gas stationwhich left two people missing and four injured, so far.

The pipe driver and his assistant were reported missing, according to the Secretary of Public Security of Hidalgo, Salvador Cruz Neri, in an interview for the media Millennium. Besides, four injured people, with first and second degree burns, who are treated in hospitals near the place. The area was cordoned off to prevent people from approaching and avoid any risk.

Cruz Neri pointed out that the supply pipe caused the mishap by generating a spark.

Another version indicates that the pipe He was loading diesel at the station when the leak began and, later, the explosion.

Some videos are circulating on social networks that show people fleeing the place, while they scream and seek help.

Emergency bodies are already on the scene attending to the situation.

Videos showing the moment of the explosion were disseminated through social networks

According to information in social networks, the explosion occurred at approximately 8:20 in the morning, and moments before it happened, motorists noticed the dense gas cloud, not knowing what was happening.

The explosion caused the destruction of the station and a convenience store, in addition to the cars that were nearby and that were burned by the fire. The incident occurred within the “Servi Fácil” gas station. Nearby is a high school, however, since it is Saturday, there are no people in it who are in danger.

in videos of social networks, You can also notice the presence of the emergency forces working on the scene, as well as security from various municipalities in the regionas firefighters and police. The authorities have asked not to approach the site.

Through her Twitter account, the National Guard reported that after the burstthat security body activated the PlanGN Awith the intention of facilitating the tasks of the emergency forces and safeguarding the life of the population in the face of latent risk, as it is an urban area.

The gas station was destroyed after the explosion.  (Twitter National Guard)
The gas station was destroyed after the explosion. (Twitter National Guard)

Last December 30, Another explosion occurred in the municipality of Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon. This, after a train rammed a tanker loaded with fuel on the Colombian highwayfrom the same municipality.

The crash caused a burst which was heard several kilometers away. “Railway accident on the Colombia highway, Salinas Victoria. Train rams a tank truck, fire is recorded. Diesel is consumed.”, reported the emergency bodies on that occasion.

The incident occurred at approximately 12:00 p.m., presumably because the driver of the cargo unit would have tried to beat him to the step to the locomotive. The first reports indicate a white balance, since even the man who was behind the wheel of the pipe managed to get to safety before the explosion.

Emergency personnel came to the accident site. Civil Protection of Nuevo León, to control the fire that spread along the road after the explosion of the vehicle loaded with diesel. In photographs shared by the agency after 2:00 p.m., it can be seen that the situation was brought under control, since the train stopped burning and the columns of smoke turned from black to gray.

The explosion occurred on December 30, after the driver of the pipe would have tried to gain passage to the train.  (Twitter @vulcano_7)
The explosion occurred on December 30, after the driver of the pipe would have tried to gain passage to the train. (Twitter @vulcano_7)

It was this unit that confirmed that there were no injuries and that the road is prohibited due to the maneuvers to put out the fire. In social networks they indicated: “No injuries were reportedthe driver of the trailer manages to get out. The road is kept closed, relief forces work in a coordinated manner in the place ”.

A similar incident occurred in October of this year in the state of Aguascalientes, when a train hit a Petróleos Mexicanos pipe (Pemex) after the driver’s failed attempt to pass earlier. As in the accident in Nuevo León, the crash caused an explosion and a fire that reached the locomotive.

Three people had to be taken to a hospital for poisoning. Besides, Approximately 1,500 residents of the area were evacuated while the emergency forces controlled the situation, with a participation of around 80 people including staff who were on duty, people who were on their day off, and volunteers.


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