
Research on “social listening”, carried out between February 2023 and February 2024, revealed that the accent of Miami residents occupies seventh place among those considered most sexy y attractive in USA.

This inquiry was commissioned by casino and sports betting review website to consumer opinion platform Brandwatchand the latter conducted an online survey to determine which accents they found most attractive.

The research included the 50 most common accents in the United States.

Southern intonation led the list with 76,950 mentions, while residents’ accents in Miami He took seventh position with 21,450.

In order, it followed in second place NY (70,460), California (45,360), Texas (42,330), Boston (34,110) y Midwest (33,000) in sixth position.

They complete the list of the ten sexiest intonations in the United States, that of Chicago (20,990), Minnesota (16,160) and that of New Orleansin last place with 15,590 mentions.

The platform Brandwatch stood out every time an accent was mentioned online over the course of a year.

Additionally, the data was broken down by how many times an online post praised the accent in some way.

Finally, the final figure considered all the publications in which the accent was mentioned along with words like “attractive”, “sexy”, “charming“, among other.

The recent study corroborated the magic of Miamiwhere the Latin flavor converges with a rich ethnic and cultural diversity.

As a reflection of this variety and richness, recently A Cuban bar was included in the list of the 50 best in North America.

The site, called Café La Trova, It is located on 8th Street in Miami, and triumphed in the list prepared by the magazine 50 Bestwhich takes into account the opinion of 270 experts from Mexico, the United States and Canada.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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