D. Aldebert, Y. Le Teurnier, A. Nihcon, R. Castle

France 2

France Televisions

Courses to adopt the right gestures that save in the water are multiplying. Drowning remains the leading cause of accidental death among people under 25.

The children are six years old, and, at this age, it is difficult to let go of the edge of the swimming pool. But, gradually, through play, the lifeguard will teach them to detach themselves from it and adopt the right reflexes in any situation. The objective is to make them independent in the event of a fall and drowning. And the best exercise is jumping. “They have to be comfortable in the water. Putting their head under water is really the priority that we can teach them so that they are used to being able to pass on their stomach, on the back, and to move”says Valérie le Henaff, lifeguard.

“I learned to put my head in the water”

From the first lessons, the progress is already there. “I learned to put my head in the water and make foam with my feet”, confides a child. Others have retained the first gestures that can save. During the spring holidays, nearly 600 children will take part in these prevention workshops which cost five euros and will take place over an entire week.


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