Tamara Gorro shows the almost final state of her nose after the operation

After exposing on social networks how his face had looked after the surgical intervention to which he underwent to heal the health problems that he had suffered for years and with the aim of correcting his breathing, Tamara Gorro has once again released an image of her face. Five days separate both portraits. And the evolution is more than noticeable.

This is how he has exposed it on his social networks. Virtual family, eight days after my operation I show you the final result. And I say almost, because it takes approximately six months for the nose to be in its correct shape.has begun the long text that accompanies the four published photographs.

Still, he says, It is very swollen y the points haven’t even dropped; but these two nuances are not an impediment for him to be tremendously happy to overcome the pnico that gave him an intervention like that on his face. Obviously there is a slight change, but I still see myself and a beautiful nose (for me)he proclaimed.

After a week as the grinch

However, the former member of Mujeres, Hombres y Viceversa affirms that reality is not entirely what is shown in the photograph. I’m honest with you, I wanted to upload this post with makeup covering the big bruises that I still have and look pretty.he confessed, adding a small appendix with the Christmas overtones that are already beginning to stir up the world of social networks: or at least seeing myself favored after a week as the grinch.

To undergo cosmetic surgery you have to put yourself in the best hands, where they have maximum experience and of course who give you confidence. And I, without a doubt, have been rightthe text continues, heartily thanking his doctor for the excellent work.

The final result is a point of tranquility for all his followers, who had attended with concern how he stated, right after the intervention, that they had to put him five graftsresist a hemorrhage there is no more hours of surgery than normal.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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