Tamara Gorro surprises with her appearance after the operation: I am beautiful

After announcing the completion of the rhinoplasty process that he had successfully undergone to heal the health problems that he had had for years and to improve his breathing, Tamara Hat He has decided to share a video showing how his face feels shortly after the surgery. I wanted to make a video for you so you can see the reality. I don’t know if faces are normally shown like this, but I wanted to do it because the photos can be editedhas started, showing himself without any type of complex in front of the camera.

Then he began to detail his current condition to prevent any rumors about fateful consequences after his time in the operating room from flourishing. Now it’s turning yellowhe said of his face, to which he added that he has a shading, a make up wonderful and permanent and it’s already leavingbut, pointing to the eyebrow area, all this is swollen.


Its appearance surprises. However, the television station wanted to emphasize that, in no case, is deep pain hidden beneath its appearance. It’s still something normal, it doesn’t hurt me at all. The only thing, you see, I can’t breathe and my mouth is super cut.he explained, emphasizing that what he was showing It is the natural face of an operating process. Nothing could be further from the truth. And nothing, I’m beautiful, there’s nothing more to see mehas concluded his self-diagnosis, with words that slip between irony and self-love.

Relieve concerns about your condition

During the last hours there have been many people who have wanted to show their support for the collaborator of And now SonsoleYes, everyone aware of the clues that his face provides and immersed in deep concern about his condition. Thanks to everyone, millions and millions of messages. To my TV colleagues, to my friends… but I think I still have a few days left here. I love youGorro concluded.

And the thing is, a day ago, the television station left some details that had worried its community. Among them, the complication caused by the lack of cartilage during the operation. They had to give me five grafts and reconstruct them at the same time. I had a hemorrhage. There were more hours of surgery and I swallowed more blood than normal, which caused a lot of nausea. In my case I am vomiting bloodhe explained after the surgical intervention.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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