Per quanto sia stato apprezzato dalla schiera degli appassionati del genere, tekken 7 It does not present the possibility of gaming in cross-play with the Piattaform variety and has not implemented the rollback netcode, one of the most crucial features for an optimal experience in picchiaduro.

I fan of the series saranno lieti di sapere che sia il cross-play che il rollback netcode saranno presenti in Tekken 8, the new capitol of the Bandai Namco Entertainment franchise is on your PC and console. This will consent to the giocatori di connettersi e sfidarsi online, to dispense with the piattaforma of provenience, godendosi the stability of the netcode offered by the rollback netcode that we see impiegato in a number always maggiore di picchiaduro.

The confirmation ci giunge directly from katsuhiro harada, general manager of Bandai Namco Entertainment, who has informed the news on his Twitter with a particularly lively post. Come potete osservare tramite il cinguettio riportato più in basso, Harada si è tolto qualche sassolino dalla scarpa puntando il dito contro gli appassionati del genere.

“Abbiamo già introdotto (il rollback), and the reason why we didn’t make big announcements to the back is that the person who will tell you will only sew like ‘waaaa! It’s a normal thing from this time.’ Quindi state zitti e statevene al posto vostro “has said Harada ad a utente che chiedeva pacamente informazioni sul gioco, and che è surprised rhyme of the perentorietà of the risposta.

Harada has revealed that he is all uscita di PS4 e Xbox Aveva Già proposed the crossplay with the two piattaformes for Tekken 7. However, at that time, Sony and Microsoft in disagreement over their mutual interest and their question of the security of the P2P connection, and have repeatedly rejected the proposal from Bandai Namco.

If seven are interested in each and every detail of the title, we invite you to see how Tekken 8 has evolved the gameplay of the series.


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