Telecinco signs Abraham Mateo and Lali Espsito for X Factor

Telecinco warms up its engines for the long-awaited return of X Factorhe talent musical that seeks out the best artists on the national scene and produced singers of the stature of Angy Fernndez, Mario Jefferson, Leire Martínez, La Oreja de Van Gogh, or Mara Villaln, among others. According to the latest information, the format will return to Mediaset in spring after years of rest after three editions in Cuatro.

Little by little new details of the return of Factor have Ion Aramendi as master of ceremonies. The Basque presenter has become one of the network’s heavyweights given the good results he always achieves in audiences with his program Reaccion en Cadena or the episodes he hosts of Big Brother.

Regarding the X Factor jury, the digital portal Yotele exclusively announces that the production company has signed two young artists who enjoy great affection among the public: Abraham Mateo and Lali Espsito. The Andalusian will debut as a regular member after trying his luck as an advisor in La Voz con Mal and participating as a guest judge in Operacin Triunfo 2023. This is not the case of the Argentine who already has great experience in this role having been a coach in La Voz from his native country.

The interpreter of Clavato and the protagonist of the Netflix fiction Sky Rojo take up the baton of Laura Pausini, Risto Mejide, Fernando Montesinos and Xavi Martínez who served as a jury on Factor Nevertheless, It is not ruled out that the organization signs a third artist to complete the team formed by Abraham Mateo and Lali Espsito.

Who is Lali Espsito

At 32 years old, Mariana Espsito has more than two decades of artistic career behind him since from a very young age she participated in successful fictions from her country such as Floricienta or Casi Ángeles. She has also made her first steps in the world of cinema, as well as in theater, and in music where she has five studio albums.

In recent years, Lali has made the leap to our country thanks to Sky Rojo, the Netflix series in which she stars with Miguel ngel Silvestre and Vernica Sánchez. An exhibition that she has allowed distributing his music throughout Spain, performing several tours with stops in Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Madrid or Cdiz, among others. In addition, she was a collaborator of El Hormiguero for several weeks.

Although he has been romantically linked to Miguel ngel Silvestre, Lali Espsito is currently in a relationship with Pedro Rosemblat, a 33-year-old Argentine streamer. Both confirmed this relationship a few weeks ago.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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