Colloquially, the platypus is said to have a bill similar to that of a duck and a tail similar to that of a beaver. In addition to this, it has venom in its hind legs and is mammalian and oviparous at the same time.

Let’s put together a similar image that allegorically represents the reality through which we travel.


In the case of the minister, there seems to be many possible “ducks”. I think of the alleged written confession of the lawyer left, according to the adviser’s words, in her mailbox.

The Latin expression of Roman law: cui prodest, means “who benefits”. What this expression invites is precisely to consider, who benefits from the action that was carried out? In this case in question, a possible answer to this question would be that, of course, the alleged confessor obtained the benefit of moral discharge, which would already be enough… It would be if he had not first denied having signed the document before the notary public and subsequently announced his intention to sue for false reporting, according to recent revelations.


Singer Shakira presented his new song, in which he compares sumptuous goods with other less expensive, but more useful. The brands mentioned in the song have taken advantage of this to ride the advertising wave, but what is surprising is that the singer Paquita of the neighborhood I also did it with some stanzas that make you think. In a message on social media, addressed to Shakira, expresses his solidarity and sings a piece of his new song, the end of which reads like this: “And here I leave you this pair of knee pads. Do you know what for? So that you poke your mother!” I don’t think the final name that Paquita shared with her is consistent with the feminist cause that has supported the launch so much.


The Head of Government announced that, in the event of “unusual” events in the Metro, the National Guard would be in charge of surveillance. But normality refers to what is most observed and depends on the variables. In other words, it is normal for a lack of maintenance to cause damage or mechanical accidents. Here the well-known principle of parsimony for problem solving should be applied: between two competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions is usually the correct one. In the two hypotheses that have been handled, namely, that of lack of maintenance and that of sabotage, the one that requires the least number of extraordinary statements is the first.


In a video on social networks we were able to see how a group of various police, military and Metro officials carried out an operation to remove a can from the tracks. It begins with the disturbing statement of the recorder: “Hurry him up because this is… gold… ground gold.” The number of people involved only pales in comparison to the protocol of analyzing the can from all possible angles, carefully approaching it to photograph it, and waiting for another member of the Army with gloves and a plastic bag to arrive to pick up the object. All to avoid, I imagine, contamination with someone else’s fingerprints and thus preserve those of the presumed culprit.


Definitely, this section is worthily symbolized by the security personnel who did not allow the passage of the procession that was escorting the Canadian prime minister to his hotel in Polanco. The phrase: “I’m going to turn around, I bring the one from Canada, why not? Take it off! Give me a chance!” will remain in the collective unconscious of many of us for a long time.

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