The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaand its pair of Education, Jaime Perczykthey announced this afternoon a 22% increase in the amount of the Progresar scholarship program which almost 1.7 million high school and university students from all over the country receive.

The increase will apply to the scholarships for the month of December, so “in the next few days” the differential will be paid to the studentsBoth ministers announced during a meeting held at the Palacio de Hacienda. Thus, Progresar scholarships will reach a minimum amount of $9,000with which they will have accumulated an increase of 150% in the last 15 months.

In 2022, the program registered the highest investment since its creation, with a total of $120,000 million executed. “We understand that investment in human capital is the most important thing a country can do. At the opening of this year’s budget, investing in education has to be a priority. It has to be allocated to infrastructure and better salaries for teachers and staff from colleges and universities,” Massa said.

“We hope that in March we will update the scholarship again, since the expenses in books, didactic material, connectivity or notes will receive an update,” added the head of the Economy portfolio. After which he emphasized that “we are going to reinforce the budget of national universities in the first administrative decision. We understand that it is the best investment that we are going to make.”

The Progresar scholarships are a comprehensive program that accompanies the student at all levels of training during their academic career, through an economic incentive and an important personal stimulus, so that they can advance in their studies until they are completed.

The objective of the program is to strengthen the entry, permanence and graduation of students, unifying all the educational scholarships of the national Government.


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