The autonomous community with the cheapest vacation rentals: it is neither Madrid nor Catalonia

There is less and less left until summer begins and all the people begin to go on vacation to enjoy those free days that they have reserved to go to the beach, the town or outside of Spain. Although there is less than a month left until the best time of the year begins for the vast majority of the world, People are already looking for rental housing.

Currently, according to data from the vacation rental portal Holiday, The average price per night for a summer home costs about 176 euros, 2% more than last year. Due to this increase in prices, people are testing which autonomous community may be more economical for them to go on vacation for a few days or weeks.

According to a study carried out by Holidu, The cheapest holiday destinations in Spain are found in Extremadura, with an average price per night of 115 euros. Although this autonomous community does not have beaches, tourists usually go to this region due to its cultural richness and its low prices. Behind Extremadura are communities such as Canary Islands, with 119 euros (the price varies depending on the island), and Castilla y León with 127 euros per night.

The rest of the cheapest autonomous communities are:

  • Galicia (129 euros)
  • La Rioja (131 euros)
  • Murcia (138 euros)
  • Aragon (138 euros)
  • Castilla-La Mancha (141 euros)
  • Navarre (142 euros)
  • Asturias (150 euros)
  • Cantabria (159 euros)
  • Andalusia (176 euros)

The most expensive autonomous communities in summer

Unlike the communities already mentioned above, other destinations such as Valencian Community with 178 euros, Madrid with 182 euros, Catalonia with 210 euros, the Basque Country with 227 euros, and the Balearic Islands with 352 euros; They exceed the average price that is established this year in Spain.

Already within each autonomous community, users looking for accommodation for their summer vacations usually look for stays of seven nights, especially in the weeks of July 20 to 27 and August 3 to 10, in villas, holiday apartments near the beach and rural houses.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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