To start running or learn about trail running, you can use an application on your Android or iOS smartphone. Here is a selection of the best running applications, free or not, for occasional running or to prepare for a marathon.

Credit : Andrew Tanglao

Running is an activity that is particularly suitable for keeping in shape, in particular because it can be practiced all the time, anywhere, whether in town or on a more natural course for the trailand even with few means (even if good shoes are still recommended).

During your sessions, your smartphone will often be your best companion, whether to listen to music or podcasts, but also and above all to motivate you, monitor your progress and prepare a regular training plan.

Strava, Runtastic or Runkeeper… which application to choose? Free running app or premium plan? Follow the guide !

Adidas Runtastic: the perfect companion for running


(affiliated since 2019 with Adidas) is certainly one of the most popular applications when it comes to going for a run, and it is the one we prefer at Frandroid. Complete, it allows us to follow our sessions of running and offers many features without having to go through an overpriced package.

In addition to tracking your workout and recording your progress, Runtastic lets you set distance or time goals, give voice prompts, and even pairs with your favorite audio player app to prevent the voice coach from intruding. too much on your playlist. The particularly pleasant point: the screen is locked during the race, which avoids pausing data recording inadvertently.

It is also compatible with many connected watches and connected bracelets and can record many activities (including more static activities, such as yoga). In addition, its GPS is very precise.

Finally, you can subscribe to the Premium monthly subscription (59.99 euros per year with a free trial week) to follow specific training plans according to your objective (lose weight, get in shape, prepare a race…).

Strava: for running with friends

Another application is very famous (including by those who want to locate secret military bases): Strava. It also offers a number of free features for runners, lovers of trail or even cyclists and swimmers, including automatic pause.

One of its strengths is the presence of challenges that will encourage you to put on your sneakers more often to go running. Some challenges can even be beneficial to you in another way since they allow you to obtain preferential rates on events for example.

The community aspect is therefore much more developed on Strava and pushes you to surpass yourself to be better than your friends (or other participants). Some routes already filled in by other users are also offered, even if their number is not very high (even in Paris).

Note that those who want to add a little fun to their races can also download Run Players Leaguein order to gamify their results recorded on Strava.

Frequency Running: to prepare for a race

If your objective is to prepare a Marathon or a semi, Frequency Running will be able to satisfy you. Less complete than the previous ones, the application of running offers to find official races and set a whole training plan to reach your goal for D-Day. All without having to pay.

Are you aiming for a specific time at the next Paris Marathon? Select the race, give your availability and you will get a complete agenda to follow to train. It is less precise and less complete when it comes to tracking your training, but nothing prevents you from using it only for the agenda and pairing it with Runtastic or Strava for your running outings.

You can of course go even further with expert advice (nutrition, equipment…), but also Premium training plans (with a monthly subscription) to improve your performance more quickly.

Trail Connect: the benchmark for trail running

If you practice the trail, the Trail Connect application is surely the most suitable. Its most important feature is its compatibility with the site Trail track which allows you to have itineraries of trails near you. Thus, you can follow a route while being located continuously with an offline mode, practical for paths that are not necessarily covered by 4G.

You can time your trip to try to beat your record and share it with your friends. It is also possible to share its position with anyone who would like to join you or follow your progress.

There is also a shortcut to contact the emergency services in case of problems. Finally, a system of “Trail Challenges” is integrated to try to face other trailers.

Runkeeper and Nike+, the other running apps

Of course, if this selection is content to list our favorite applications, there are others, also with their advantages and disadvantages and we can only advise you to try them too in order to find the one that best suits your expectations. .

We can for example cite Runkeeper, which is frankly neck and neck with Runtastic, with a more sober and polished interface, but which just missed the first place, in particular for its slightly less good GPS precision and the lack of lock on the touch screen during the race.

You can also take a look at Nike Run Club (formerly Nike+), but in our opinion it lacks options and possibilities compared to its competitors.

Running Heroes and Zombies Run, to play while running

Gamification of an activity uses game mechanics, with rewards to increase motivation and turn what can be a chore into fun.

In this category, we find for example Running Heroes, an application offering to earn rewards when you complete objectives. You can link certain traditional running applications (Strava, Nike+, Fitbit, Runkeeper…) and earn points during your sessions, to be exchanged for promo codes at sports equipment suppliers, tickets for sporting events and more.

For its part, Zombies, Run takes the principle literally by immersing you in a world virtually invaded by zombies. You will have to run to survive!

To accompany your running application

To better monitor your progress during your sports sessions, you can turn to dedicated accessories, such as a tracking of activity. They will allow you to follow the evolution of your heart rate, but also to follow your activity closely, from the simple daily walk on your way to work or your other more intense exercises. Note that a connected watch can also offer similar functionalities and more particularly specialized sports watches.

If running is not for you or if you want to diversify your exercises, you can also find our selection of applications to fully resume a sporting activity, without it necessarily being running.

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