You are currently viewing The Club des Invincibles: find out who won the show this Saturday, September 30

Ten celebrities, four champions, only one victorious team. This Saturday, September 30, Olivier Minne was at the head of a new issue of Club of the Invincibles broadcast on France 2. For this fifth episode, the show has changed its rules somewhat. After each of the four rounds during which the actors competed, the best of the ten celebrities was able to choose the Club member they wanted to face. “It allows us to get out of our comfort zone on themes that we wouldn’t have chosen, it’s quite nice“, testified Romain des 12 shots of noon near Tele-Leisure after the filming of this new number. Moreover, during the final, Olivier Minne waited a few seconds after the question was said to start the timer. “The fact that we can discuss a lot before giving our answer removes stress“, added Marie-Christine, champion of Everyone wants to take its place.

The Invincibles Club : who were the guests of the show on Saturday September 30 on France 2?

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In this issue, the production of the show invited ten actors and actresses to the set. Thus, Sara Mortensen, Nadia Roz, Christelle Chollet, Ariane Brodier, Valérie Mairesse, Isabelle Vitari, David Mora, Gil Alma, Arthur Jugnot and Nicolas Briançon fought among themselves during the first rounds before the four best of them team up to try to defeat the champions. In the final, David Mora, Nadia Roz, Isabelle Vitari and Sara Mortensen joined forces. Facing them, four emblematic candidates of TV games: Marie-Christine and Romain, therefore, but also Bruno, the greatest champion of the 12 shots of noon and Sandrine, fourth greatest champion of Everyone wants to take its place.

Who won in The Invincibles Club broadcast this Saturday September 30 on France 2?

After challenging a champion each, the four personalities met in the final to destabilize Bruno, Marie-Christine, Sandrine and Romain with a question on their favorite theme. It was about 20th century novels for Isabelle Vitari, animals for Sara Mortensen, queens of pop for Nadia Roz and advertising for David Mora. And in the end… It was the TV game champions who won the game! Another issue of the show will air later in the season. Will the Invincibles emerge victorious again?

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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