The Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami returns to the stage with Giselle

MIAMI.- Under the artistic direction of Eriberto Jimnez, the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami (CCBM) brings to the scene Giselle, with performances on February 9 and 10 at 8:00 pm at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium.

Giselle It is considered one of the best ballets of all time and a masterpiece of the romantic, subtle and ethereal ballet style, which represents the strength of love, the devastation of betrayal and the power of forgiveness. This gripping story – of a peasant girl who goes mad and dies of anguish after being deceived by her lover – is both emotional and disturbing, a timeless story about the redemptive power of love, “said the dance company in a statement.

In an interview with DIARIO LAS AMRICAS, Jimnez talked about the relevance of the piece and what it means for the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami to bring it to the stage in collaboration with other dance companies.

– What do you highlight about this piece, considered a masterpiece of all time?

More than 180 years after it was created, even today the story of Giselle inspires the public and is perhaps our audience’s favorite ballet. Being able to bring it to the stage, this time in collaboration with the Youth Ballet Company of Panama (YBC) and the Sanctuary of the Arts Choreographic Ensemble, has been a great achievement for the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami.

And also being able to bring together members of three different groups as well as the guest dancers who will play the role of Giselle, such as María Eugenia Herrera, artistic director of the YBC; Gretel Batista, a young woman who grew up in Miami and today is part of the Houston Ballet, as well as Jorge Oscar Sánchez, principal dancer of the Washington Ballet, who are already known to the Miami audience.

– What is new or different about this version of the ballet? Giselle?

In 2007, the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami presented the ballet for the first time Giselle complete, which was performed by two great Cuban prima ballerinas, Lorena Feijoo and Alihaydee Carreo, who on this occasion is playing the role of Bertha, Giselle’s mother. I have studied several versions of the ballet by different companies and I am trying to achieve a little more coherence in the development of the story by seeing it from a theatrical and human point of view.

– Which audience would you say this piece seduces?

The Miami public is an audience that appreciates ballet, they are connoisseurs and perhaps Giselle is one of the audience’s favorite ballets. It is a story that never goes out of style, because it explores the feelings of human beings. Our mission is to promote and preserve classical ballet, so we also want to reach young people, educate them in the appreciation of the beautiful art of dance and ballet specifically.

The Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami continues working to bring to the public of Miami programs of high technical and artistic quality, in addition to wanting to continue preserving this beautiful art of Classical Ballet, but none of this can be achieved without the support of the public, which is very important. I would like to invite the audience to participate in this event and all the artistic events that are presented in our community so that we can continue to grow as a mecca of the arts.

– Would you say that it talks about a timeless topic that is current today? Why?

The story of Giselle is perhaps a universal story, which can happen in any time and any country, it tells us about love, deception and forgiveness, which will always be current, feelings that every human being has had and expressed during their existence, which which makes this work reach everyone regardless of age or nationality.

About Giselle

Giselle was premiered in 1841 with choreography by Jean Corelli and Jules Perrot, music by Adolphe Adam and plot by Theofilo Gautier.

Giselle, a simple and innocent peasant girl with delicate health, falls madly in love with Albretch, a duke disguised as a villager. Hilarion, a young peasant in love with Giselle, discovers the deception and reveals that Albrecht is a nobleman and that he is engaged to Bathilde, Giselle goes crazy and dies disappointed.

Her death transforms her into a Willi, a kind of ghostly spirit of those young women who die before getting married; Men who approach these pure souls again must die, it is Willis’s law. Albretch, repentant, goes to visit her at her grave and asks her forgiveness for her deception; However, Giselle, deeply in love with her, forgives Albrecht and allows him to return to the real world, thus demonstrating to him the intensity and eternity of her love.

The Miami Cuban Classical Ballet was founded in 2006 by Pedro Pablo Pea as a non-profit organization, with the mission of promoting and preserving the tradition and legacy of Cuba’s world-renowned classical ballet school.

Tickets for Giselle performances range from $35 to $65. They can be purchased at the theater box office, located at 2901 West Flagler, in Miami, or on the website

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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