You are currently viewing The director of ‘The Tapes of Rosa Peral’ admits having deceived several protagonists

On September 8, Netflix simultaneously released two audiovisual works that dealt with the crime committed by the Urban Police. The first of them was The body on fire, a series represented by actors about how the murder of agent Pedro Fernández happened. The second, Rosa Peral’s ribbonsthe first interview from prison of Rosa Peral, one of the two people convicted of the crime.

Controversy has surrounded the two productions since the moment of their premiere. The possibility that Rosa Peral or Albert López could earn some money for image rights outraged the victim’s family from the beginning. In fact, Netflix will have to deposit the possible income that the two convicted men receive into a judicially owned bank account to pay compensation that was stipulated in the trial at 875,000 euros.

The criticism, since last Friday, goes much further. Director of Rosa Peral’s ribbonsCarles Vidal, acknowledged in an interview on the program Blue print what He did not inform the sources he used in the filming that he was recording a documentary nor that Rosa Peral was going to participate. “We wanted to tell a story which was not what had been told until then, so we were careful when telling them depending on what things. (…). We told them that we wanted to add up all the stories that had been made with the protagonists and the prosecutor.”.

The anger of the protagonists

Defending at all times the reasons for his actions, the director reveals that His idea was to make a profile about the Rosa person within his daily family environment. “and question how parallel trials can influence a popular jury trial.” Even so, he admits to understanding the complaints of some of the protagonists.

One of the first to raise his voice was the prosecutor in the case, Félix Martín. In the program If it dawns we leave, from Cadena SER, stated that he did not agree with information being hidden from him to obtain his testimony. “M.They explained that they wanted to make a documentary about the crime committed by the Urban Police. In no case did they tell me that they wanted to make a documentary about legitimate vision and subjective of one of the convicted people,” he stated, recalling that he already participated in crimesa TV3 program that talked about the case and whose result, according to Martín, “was magnificent.”

After him, two journalists specialized in crime, such as Mayka Navarro and Toni Muñoz, have done the same, denouncing having been deceived by the production. “I would not have participated in a documentary that tries to question the case, denouncing that there was sexist treatment of Rosa”, noted the Telecinco collaborator. “The problem is not only not telling us that Rosa Peral would appear, but telling us that the approach of the documentary would be impartial,” Muñoz lamented.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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