Santiago Segura confesses that he suffers from pancreatic insufficiency: I am worried that they will not find the causes

One of the last days of the year Santiago Segura He gave all his followers a scare. It wasn’t a joke, even though it coincided with April Fool’s Day, It didn’t even seem to be serious because he tried to reassure with a message that reaffirmed the funny face of his photograph. But the circumstance was as real as life itself: he was lying in a hospital bed. Today’s innocent joke… (luckily, nothing serious… I hope), said. Now what led him to be admitted has medical names and surnames.

As the 58-year-old actor and comedian clarified, he was at the medical center to undergo an ecoendoscopia: a combination of ultrasound and ultrasound of the inside of your body. Specifically, from the inside of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum, rectum and sigmoid, as well as the structures that surround the intestine. Nothing bad, it seems, I added then. Now the interpreter himself has sweated, who has revealed Pronto which, in reality, is a pancreatic insufficiency.

I have had pancreatic insufficiency for some time and I am worried that they will not find the causes of the problem., Segura revealed to the aforementioned magazine. In her efforts to convey calm along with the current state of his health, she has been sincere by clarifying that he can continue workingalthough It is quite difficult to have digestive disorders and discomfort constantly.

What is it and what is the risk?

In short, pancreatic insufficiency is characterized by a series of complications that have as their main consequence difficulty digesting food. The epicenter of this problem is found in the differentiation between the tissues of the pancreas, which can be exocrine and endocrine: while The first produce enzymes, responsible for digestion, the second secretes hormones that control blood glucose. In the case of the actor, a complication is deduced in the first type.

Now, the reasons for this rare pathology may be several. It may happen that the pancreas produces enough enzymes and finds a complication in their journey to the small intestine which directly the organ may not be able to create the amount it needs. Another possible scenario lies in the existence of a problem that prevents proper mixing between proteins and foods.

This medical theory translates into a series of symptoms that make up a picture that is as everyday as it is annoying and that includes different manifestations, some very far apart on the scale of severity.. In general, the most common are colic, abdominal pain, excess gas, weight loss, diarrhea and bloating. It is advisable to face this disease, mainly with a pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (that is, basically, ingesting medications that provide the body with pancreatic enzymes) so that the pathology does not degenerate into malnutrition, osteopenia, osteoporosis or even an increased risk of cardiovascular accidents.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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