The five supermarkets that Aldi will open in Spain in June: in which cities will they be and when will they open?

The Aldi supermarket chain has announced the opening of five new stores in the next month of June. With its growth and expansion plan at the national level, the brand will consolidate its presence in the The Basque Country, Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Andalusiaespecially.

Currently, the operator beyond supermarkets has 440 establishments in Spain after releasing the last one last week in the Port of Santa Mara, in Cdiz. In addition, for the second half of the year, most of the openings in 2024 are planned. Without going any further, between July and August The doors of the new premises will open in Castro Uridales, in Gran Canaria and the Garrafin Barcelona.

The first in Bilbao and Catalua

Regarding next month, the first of the new Aldi that seeing the light be the one of Bilbao (Vizcaya), which plans to open its doors on 5th June. More specifically, it will be in the Deusto neighborhood. It is thus consolidated as the third establishment in the capital of Biscay, along with those located in the Plaza Emilio Campuzano and Sabino Arana Avenue. With this he intends to gain weight in the North Zone and expand progressively.

The next opening will be in Catalonia, the second region where the brand has the greatest presence with almost a hundred supermarkets. This time, two new stores will open in The Seu d’Urgell (Lleida) and in Fig trees (Girona).

Last week, Aldi already opened a supermarket in Hospitalet de Llobregat, in Barcelona. Thus, the German company has planned another ten inaugurations in the autonomous community before the end of the year.

The expansion continues to the south

The Valencian Community It will also be another lucky one where the German operator decides to consolidate its presence. Currently it has 71 points of salebut in June there will be the opening of another store in the Alicante municipality of Benissaone of the eight planned in the region this 2024.

Finally, the fifth store scheduled for the month of June will be located in Marbella (Mlaga), in the Puerto Bans area. Andaluca is the community with ms Aldi in our country, which reached last March the hundreds of stores throughout the region after its arrival in the Malaga municipality of Nerja.

In this way, Aldi reaches 445 establishments by the end of June and, therefore, close the first quarter of 2024 with ten of the fifty planned openings. If they comply with the program, the brand close this year, approaching 500 supermarkets in Spanish territory, an admirable milestone to say the least.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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