Friday, January 6, 2023 | 3:45 p.m.

The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Martín Soria, announced this Friday that, by instruction of President Alberto Fernández, he filed a criminal complaint in court so that the Buenos Aires Minister of Security and Justice, Marcelo D’Alessandro, currently in use of license, for the alleged crimes of “breach of duties of a public official, bribery and embezzlement”

“By instruction of the President, I filed a criminal complaint in the national justice system to investigate the Minister of Security and Justice of CABA, Marcelo D’Alessandro: the crimes of breach of duties of a public official, bribery and embezzlement, among others, are charged.” the Minister stated on his account on the social network Twitter, where he replied to a statement from the Ministry of Justice.

Soria reported that the complaint was filed with the corresponding prosecutor’s office, in which he asked that D’Alessandro hand over his cell phone to Justice, as well as all those who are related to the investigation, Télam reported.

According to the statement, the complaint requires that the CABA Security Minister “be investigated” for “the possible commission of the crimes of breach of the duties of a public official, bribery, illicit enrichment, negotiations incompatible with the exercise of public function, embezzlement and illegal exactions”.

In this sense, Soria recalled that the chats also “involve” contractor businessmen of the City Government, national prosecutors and the former deputy director of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) during the Government of Mauricio Macri, Silvia Majdalani.

“Must be investigated”

“The promiscuity between sectors of political power, justice and business groups must be investigated in depth in order to guarantee full compliance with the Constitution and safeguard our democratic institutions,” said the minister.

The brief presented before the court states that, if the journalistic revelations are confirmed, it would demonstrate “scandalous collusion between the City Government official, with senior judicial officials, former directors of the National State Intelligence Service and public service concessionaires ” and this would be “incompatible with a Rule of Law”.

For this reason, the complaint filed by Soria asks to investigate the alleged acts of corruption linked to the tow truck service in the City of Buenos Aires operated by the company Dakota SA

Likewise, from the National Government they denounced that “the alleged existence of a channel of payment of returns and of negotiated”, which would be made up of D’Alessandro and Marcelo Violante, “could reveal the reason for the decision of the government of the City of failure to update the amounts that the company Dakota SA had to pay for using the Buenos Aires public service”.

The complaint was filed after the leak in recent days of chats between the Buenos Aires minister and Silvio Robles, right-hand man of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Horacio Rosatti, in which they combined tactics for the Buenos Aires government to use before the highest court. in the case for the distribution of co-participation funds


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