You are currently viewing The impasse: Gwendoline Hamon discussed her role with her neurologist companion

France 2 is offering the TV film this Wednesday, September 20 at 9:10 p.m. The impasse, a thriller adapted from the eponymous novel by Aurélie de Gubernatis. Here, Gwendoline Hamon swaps Cassandre’s gun to put on the coat of Dr Estelle Segal. This fiction confronts its heroine with Thomas, played by Thierry Neuvic, a childhood sweetheart who resurfaces years after having suddenly disappeared. The two exes will thus be led to go on a crazy chase across the region. The actress, who has just celebrated her 53rd birthday, spoke about this role to Tele-Leisure.

The impasse : Gwendoline Hamon found “funny to play a psychiatrist

Tele-Leisure : What attracted you to The impasse ?

Gwendoline Hamon : This is the first time that a project started from me. An editor, who loves Cassandra, contacted me on Instagram. We met and he gave me 10 pounds and told me they were the roles for me. I found this thriller different from what we usually see. I spoke about it to two producer friends who then bought the rights.

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What attracted you to the character of Estelle?

I found it funny to play a psychiatrist. But she herself is neurotic and has not recovered from a love affair which resurfaces at a time when her relationship is going badly. Frustration and a feeling of abandonment send her into a crazy story.

The impasse : “My partner happens to be a neurologist.“, confides Gwendoline Hamon

Have you researched hypnosis?

Yes it is. And in my personal life, I had done EMDR sessions (eye movement therapy targeting traumatic memory, Editor’s note) because I had panic attacks when I was 20 and it worked really well for me. Furthermore, it turns out that my partner is a neurologist and almost became a psychiatrist.

Did you talk about Estelle’s role with him?

Yes, we talked about this role. We talk all the time about lots of pathologies and cases, that interests me enormously. He sometimes tells me that I could be a neurologist assistant because I do diagnoses. He told me so much about different pathologies.

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This character takes you away from that of Cassandra…

It’s very important and even essential to play different characters. I am delighted to have been able to play in Mom, don’t let me fall asleep. As for Cassandrathis series allowed me to be more identified and brought me more popularity with the public.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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