Lucas Román is 18 years old and is already training with the Barcelona branch of Spain, which introduced him to their networks as the club’s new footballer. This Thursday, the Catalans announced that the exit clause of the lefty will be 400,000,000 euros.

Román, who will turn 19 on February 10, was transferred from Ferro Carril Oeste to Barcelona, ​​which paid 1,200,000 euros for 85 percent of the pass, plus another 3,800,000 as a bonus in a contract that was extends to December 2026.

Tweet from Barça Atlètic

Lucas has already made statements on the Barcelona networks, which asked him to describe himself as a player. “I can be extreme, hook, I move throughout the front of the attack. I’m left-handed, I try to play one-on-one, always giving my best for the team. But now that I’m here I can say that dreams are here to come true, so never stop dreaming.”


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