You are currently viewing "The MST team" : the strange play on words by Jean-Luc Reichmann in Les 12 coups de midi

While three candidates from 12 shots of noon tried this Wednesday, September 20 to take the place of Maître de midi from Mathias, Jean-Luc Reichmann gave some of them a funny nickname…

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New number of 12 shots of noon this Wednesday September 20 on TF1. In front of Mathiasthe Maître du Midi in place since Thursday September 7, three candidates presented themselves to Jean-Luc Reichmann: Théo, Mathilde and Sébastien. If the latter came to have a good time in the lunchtime game of the first channel, they (also) aimed to take the place of the formidable Maître de midi whose prize pool is approaching 90,000 euros. Including 46,763 euros in gifts from the Mysterious Star won after just… three participations!

The 12 shots of noon: the 3 candidates of the day inspire Jean-Luc Reichmann

And while a new mysterious Star gradually begins to reveal itself in September 2023, Jean-Luc Reichmann orchestrated this new part by giving three of the four candidates on stage a funny name:The MST Team ! If the acronym is obviously linked to the initials of the trio of candidates in question (Mathias, Sébastien and Théo), it is difficult not to think of the one referring to Sexually Transmitted Diseases… The play on words came to mind from the host of TF1 when Mathilde went red: “You are the only woman facing the STD. Team MST: Mathias with an M, Sébastien with an S and Théo with a T. Here is Team MST!

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Les 12 coups de midi: Jean-Luc Reichmann has fun with “Team MST”

Mathilde having lost her duel against Théo, “Team MST” therefore continued the part of 12 shots of noon to the great pleasure of Jean-Luc Reichmann who was able to repeat his play on words several times throughout the show. Mathias, the 19-year-old Midday Master and BIT marketing technical student, ended up winning against Sébastien. After winning an additional 10,000 euros in his prize pool, the young man, however, stumbled upon the Mysterious Star of September 2023.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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