The caravan of the Argentine Champions of the World Cup in Qatar 2022 (Télam)

The members of the Argentine soccer team were criticized by some and praised by others for not going to greet the President upon his return from Qatar. Both criticism and praise are the result of a misunderstanding.

In the days following your arrival in the country, Enzo Fernandez Y exequiel palacioshonored in San Martín by more than 20,000 residents, had no problem being photographed with the mayor, Fernando Moreira (Front of All, the same force to which Alberto Fernández belongs), which declared them “Illustrious Citizens” of that town in Buenos Aires.

Enzo Fernández and Exequiel Palacios together with the mayor of San Martín, Fernando Moreira (FdT)
Enzo Fernández and Exequiel Palacios together with the mayor of San Martín, Fernando Moreira (FdT)

The same thing happened with Alexis MacAllister in his province, La Pampa, where he was also received as a hero, when he toured the streets of Santa Rosa from the airport, aboard a truck and escorted by a crowd, to the Government House where he met with the governor Sergio Ziliotto (PJ, close to Sergio Massa).

All of Calchín came out to receive their new idol, Julian Alvarez. The mayor, Claudio Gorgerino, radical, He handed over the keys to the city. The same thing happened with him, also from Cordoba. Nahuel Molina in Embalse: honored by the entire city, he took the stage with the justicialist mayor Federico Alesandri.

The mayor of Embalse (Córdoba), Federico Alesandri (PJ), gives Nahuel Molina the certificate of illustrious citizen
The mayor of Embalse (Córdoba), Federico Alesandri (PJ), gives Nahuel Molina the certificate of illustrious citizen

Lautaro Martinez was welcomed in White Bay in an act in which the mayor participated Hector Gaywhich belongs to Cambiemos.

Own Lionel Messi, that when he arrived at Ezeiza he dribbled on the track to greet the Minister of the Interior, Peter’s Wadodid not object to being received in his province by the Peronist governor, Omar Perotti, nor in being photographed and even recording a video with the mayor of Funes, roly santacroce (In Front of All). Along with Messi, too angel di maria He was received by Perotti at the Rosario airport.

It may interest you: A governor achieved the photo with Messi that Alberto Fernández could not have at Casa Rosada

Omar Perotti's hug with Lionel Messi upon his arrival in Rosario
Omar Perotti’s hug with Lionel Messi upon his arrival in Rosario

Finally, Claudio “Chiqui” Tapiathe same one that “plugged” Peter’s Wado to prevent him from greeting Messi in Ezeiza, he traveled to San Juan on Monday the 26th to fulfill his promise to take the cup to the Late Correa, and received the diploma of “Illustrious Citizen” from the Justicialist governor Sergio Unac, with whom he was photographed smiling. In addition, he took a medal with the image of Sarmiento, who surely is not among the favorite heroes of a Peronist like him.

The governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, with the president of the Argentine Football Association, Claudio "chiki" Wall
The governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, with the president of the Argentine Soccer Association, Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia

In short, a succession of gestures of breadth and unity that shows that on the part of the players and managers there was no rejection of politics or the institutional, but of a factional idea. Idea ratified by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner when a few days later he went to inaugurate the sports center Diego Armando Maradona in Avellaneda. It is not that the star who died in 2020 does not deserve tributes; It is the undisguised intention to polarize.

Already in his congratulations to the captain of the Selection, CFK sent “a special greeting after his Maradona ‘go there silly’”. Kirchnerism idolizes Diego just because he considers it his own; in the same way that he would insult him -if he could- if he felt otherwise. As in fact some tried to do with the World Champion team for not going to the Rosada: “declassed” It was one of the accusations thrown at them by some coffee revolutionaries or, rather, from the (official) television set.

Neither Messi nor Di María avoided the photo and the hug with the justicialist governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti
Neither Messi nor Di María avoided the photo and the hug with the justicialist governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti

Tumbera conscience versus good manners. That was the spirit that encouraged the reactions of certain referents on both sides of the crack, who tried to “use” the two most famous figures of our soccer to bring water to their mill; a spirit totally alien to that of the people and to that of the brand new champions themselves. And oblivious to Messi who thanked Maradona: “This Cup that we won is also for all those who did not achieve it in the previous World Cups. It is also from Diego who encouraged us from heaven.”

For Argentines it is Maradona Y Messi; for the players of the National Team and for their own Captain, too. “Don’t try to understand it. ARGENTINA With the good and the bad I love you”was Messi’s moving and profound message from the caravan prematurely interrupted because of politicians obsessed with the photo, who did not think of ensuring a route so that all the mobilized people could greet the champions.

Messi's lesson for politicians: "Argentina, with the good and the bad, I love you"
Messi’s lesson for politicians: “Argentina, with the good and the bad, I love you”

A leadership that aspires to lead the country and does not understand this is surprising. It does not show a spirit of greatness, of unity, nor does it embody the country. Paraphrasing the philosopher (“I am a man, nothing human is foreign to me”), a leader or aspiring leader should say: “I am Argentine, nothing Argentine is alien to me.”

That was the first value that the Selection transmitted in all its performance: the whole is above the parts. Everywhere, all the time, he had behaviors of unity. First, between them: no one can transmit to others a solidarity that they did not practice with their own group. This became clear when, throughout the tournament, the technical director put and removed players without there having been a single gesture of discord around your decisions. A fundamental esprit de corps in achieving success and today totally absent in politics.

The contrast could not have been greater with the attitudes of the leaders, who today give us the spectacle of the reissue of the confrontation Capital versus Rest of the country.

The news agency that should be state-owned but is actually official tried to use the National Team to confirm its theory of “new masculinities”: feminism would have opened “a way for them to cry and get emotional”, they said in an article that highlighted the hugs between players, the psychoanalyst who consulted Dibu Martínez and the caress of a player on the head of a child… The foundational mania does not rest. Have you never seen men cry before MeToo? Players hugging on the court? Men being affectionate with their children or with other children? What planet do they live on? Now it turns out that we owe masculine tenderness to feminism… Go there…

Diego Maradona and a container hug to Lionel Messi during a 2010 World Cup match (South Africa, July 2010. REUTERS/Oleg Popov)
Diego Maradona and a container hug to Lionel Messi during a 2010 World Cup match (South Africa, July 2010. REUTERS/Oleg Popov)

This administration, which did not govern but did everything with gender distortion, wanted to bring water to its poor mill.

But, as the hours passed, Scaloni and Messi crossing themselvesthe lewd gesture and little deconstructed del Dibu upon receiving his award and, above all, incredibly, the photos of the players with their wives and children began to make the promoters of the war of the sexes and cultists of anti-natalism nervous, who see pregnancy as a disease and they celebrate the number of abortions (although they go for more).

as he wrote @oconalf on Twitter: “Now the problem is not the lack of Afro-descendants, but the heteronormativity of selection soccer national. They pass”.

The note was given by an exponent of this ultrafeminism, desperate because the National Team does not fit the ideology they want to impose: “They are trying to seal the end of the World Cup party with the apology of the traditional family. The photos of the players with their families, repeated endlessly, are situated as the epilogue of something else that had overwhelmed, more playful, unclassifiable, more multitudinous”.

They failed to denounce “symbolic violence.”

family is the kryptonite for super-feminism.

The anger of a feminist for the photos of the Selected players with their families
The anger of a feminist for the photos of the Selected players with their families


Not to mention the faith that makes them flee like vampires before the cross, that’s how oblivious they are to popular sentiment. Everyone was moved to see Lionel Scaloni burst into tears after so much emotion contained throughout the tournament, before the containment hug from Leandro Paredes. But most chose to ignore the immediately preceding gesture when he kissed the ground and crossed himself.

Lionel Scaloni crosses himself before breaking down in tears

Politicians today believe that talking about God is demodé. It’s not cool.

It is another lesson that Messi gives them: with humility, he never tires of saying that he received the gift, that he was born with it: “God made me this way”.

Lionel Messi: “God gave me this gift, God made me like this”

Already when he won the Copa América, overwhelmed by emotion, he said: “I knew that God was going to give me this.” The gestures of Messi and Scaloni and Tapia fulfilling his promise, among others, operated as a powerful antidote against relativism.

Five million people took to the streets to celebrate the World Cup. Without buses, without choripanes, without clientelism. Five million people and there were no excesses. Despite the negligence of those who must ensure security and order, only a few incidents and provocations, insignificant in proportion to the number.

The Selection thus became the vehicle of expression of the deep argentina, the one who is alone because politics does not represent her; the one that expects an interlocutor at the height of her spirit.

The Selection won the cultural battle. Thanks to God and his families, humility, love for Argentina. Simple, elementary, deep. That love and those values ​​deserve to be expressed.

Some of the family photos of the Selection
Some of the family photos of the Selection

Keep reading:

From the question about the absence of blacks in the National Team to the absurd controversy surrounding racism
Maradona and Messi: we all enter the country


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