You are currently viewing The New Intern: Did you spot these nods to The Devil Wears Prada?

Thursday September 28, 2023 at 9:10 p.m., TF1 broadcasts The new internwith Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, whose careers exploded thanks to Devil wears Prada. It is undoubtedly no coincidence that The new intern makes a few nods to this cult film.

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TF1 is broadcasting a fresh and sparkling New York comedy this Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 9:10 p.m.: The new intern. Directed by Nancy Meyers, to whom we also owe the very funny What men want with Mel Gibson before he became a fallen star, and the delicious The Holiday, this film features a duo never before seen in cinema: Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. The actor plays Ben, a widower who, at 70, rather than being bored alone at home in retirement, prefers to work. He therefore applies for a position as a “senior intern” in a start-up that sells clothing online.

Brunette Anne Hathaway rather than blonde Reese Witherspoon

Faced with the sacred monster of Journey to the end of hell And Taxi Driver, Anne Hathaway plays Jules Oslin, the young founder and director of the company whose septuagenarian intern becomes the personal assistant. A leading female role that Nancy Meyers first offered to Reese Witherspoon who declined the offer. Following the refusal of the blonde heroine of the series The Morning Show alongside Jennifer Aniston. the director therefore opted for the brunette Anne Hathaway. A hell of a “promotion” for the actress who, from intern in the film The devil wears Pradabecomes the boss and has her own intern.

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When The devil wears Prada encounter The new intern

It is undoubtedly no coincidence that many nods to the Devil wears Prada slipped into The new intern. Thus, as in the film where she opposite Meryl Streep (who had a very bad experience during the filming), the character played by Anne Hathaway works in fashion. More subtle, the intern played by Robert De Niro studied at Northwestern College, like Andrea in The devil wears Prada. Finally, a scene from New intern is irresistibly reminiscent of the haute couture work that launched Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway. Indeed, when Ben has to go get a computer from Jules’ mother, he is instructed to retrieve the key under a flower pot… except that there are a lot of flower pots in front of the door! A misadventure that Andrea also experiences when she has to drop off the book with her boss, the odious Miranda Priestly.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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