the origin of a special date

He February 14th It is the day in which couples take the opportunity to celebrate their love, with gifts, pampering, sweets, affectionate messages or with a friendly and romantic evening by candlelight, while friends reinforce the camaraderie.

Although for some this is a purely commercial date, due to the expense it may cause, it is a tradition that dates back several centuries.

Origin of Valentine’s Day

Although its origin is difficult to determine, there are several theories that support it. In fact, its name, according to the most famous version, comes from the famous Valentine’s Daya 3rd century Roman priest who used to marry couples in love secretly, around 270 AD, when Emperor Claudius II forbade marriage.

When the emperor discovered the continuation of these religious rites, he was sentenced to death and He executed it on February 14, accordance with

According to legend, before his death Valentine’s Day wrote a last letter to a young woman he loved.which he signed as From your Valentine, being the first to send a message with this signature that would seal the love letters in the future.

A pagan beginning?

Another version attributes the origin of Valentine’s Day to the ancient Roman festival of fertility, known as Lupercaliaa debauched festival that celebrated the arrival of spring.

The festivities included animal sacrifice, revelry and drunkenness in honor of Faun, the Roman god of agriculture. During these celebrations, young people were paired through a lottery system in matches that often led to marriage, according to

This pagan festival was celebrated for centuries in mid-February, but At the end of the 5th century it was banned by Pope Galasius I. In the year 496, however, the Supreme Pontiff decreed February 14 as Valentine’s Day, in honor of the saint of all lovers, converting that date into a Christian holiday.


Currently, millions of people around the world celebrate the day of love and friendship and join in delivering cards, gifts and other details that allow them to commemorate this holiday.

Although this celebration dates back to the 5th century, It was not until the 19th century, in Great Britainthat the mass production of Valentine’s cards, one of the most consumerist traditions of the Catholic Church, would begin after Christmas.

Over time, these romantic letters began to become popular, in which They illustrate Valentine’s Day with the image of Cupidthe Roman god of love, along with hearts and birds, which were added shortly after when it was considered that birds began to mate in mid-February.

Today, traditional gifts for this day that exalts romanticism include sweets and flowers, especially red roses, which symbolize beauty and love.

In United States, the first cards were printed in the 1840s, thanks to Esther A. Howland, known as the “Mother of Valentine’s Day.” These mass-produced cards featured elaborate lace, ribbons, and colorful images known as “junk.”

For this year, it is estimated that the total expenditure of couples for the Valentine’s Day celebration in the country reach a record of 25.8 billion dollarsincluding expenses for jewelry, clothing, flowers and nights out, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF).

The main gifts to give this day are candy (57%), greeting cards (40%), flowers (39%), an evening (32%), jewelry (22%), clothing (21%) and gift cards (19%).

Countries that do not celebrate Valentine’s Day

Being a Christian celebration, with a pagan origin, it is prohibited in countries of Islamic religion and others that are against this culture.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Malaysia They reject the festivities on the occasion of From San Valentinto the point of prohibiting its celebration for going against Islamic law.

In IndiaAlthough it is not prohibited, its celebration becomes complicated by condemning the display of public affection, especially if they are outside of marriage. In addition, it is widely rejected for coming from Western culture.

In Russiathis day is commemorated March 8on International Women’s Day, with a celebration similar to Valentine’s Day, giving away flowers and chocolates.

In BrazilValentine’s Day is celebrated on June 12due to its proximity to the Day of Saint Anthony of Padua, June 13, considered a matchmaking saint.

In Colombia, the Day of Love and Friendship has been celebrated on the third Saturday of September since 1969. The decision to postpone the date was made with the purpose of relieving the pockets of Colombians, who in February were spending on the Christmas festivities and the beginning of the school season. This year, the coffee country commemorates the September 21st.


FUENTE: With information from USA TODAY / / Britannica / NRF /

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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