The petition of Begoa Gmez to the Provincial Court of Madrid

Begoa Gómez’s defense has urged the Provincial Court of Madrid to Do not delay your decision on the appeals filed by his lawyer and the Prosecutor. These appeals seek to archive or limit the investigation led by the judge Juan Carlos PeinadoThe Court had announced that the decision would be made on September 30tha date that Gomez’s defense considers detrimental to his interests.

In the appeal, Gomez’s defense argues that postponing the decision until the end of September will allow an investigation to continue that violates the most essential principles of the right to defense. The defense argues that this delay will cause a damage that cannot be repaired to his client.

Deficiencies in research

Begoa Gomez’s lawyer, Antonio Camachopoints out that both she and the rest of those investigated are being subjected to a indeterminate and constantly expanding researchwhich is seriously damaging his right to defense. According to Camacho, waiting until the end of September to resolve the appeal seriously affects the right to effective judicial protection, recognized in the Constitution, serious violations of the right to defence which, in his opinion, Judge Peinado is committing with his erratic procedural and material drift.

Camacho underlines the Serious irregularities in Peinado’s trainingparticularly because the object of the investigation is changing and contravenes the order of the Provincial Court itself that had delimited the content of the investigation. Despite this order, the judge has continued to order proceedings on matters that should remain outside the case, like the rescue of Air EuropaThe lawyer recalls that Peinado has stated that The facts under investigation are all acts, conducts and behaviors of the person under investigation since her husband became the President of the Government, which represents a prospective investigation.

Camacho also points out that, although the Court had stipulated that the investigations should focus on the contracts obtained by Barrabs, The judge has started an investigation into the aid to Globalia and the Complutense chair without issuing any resolution that expands the scope of the procedure.

Appeal by businessman Barrabs

On the other hand, the defense of businessman Juan Carlos Barrabs has appealed Judge Peinado’s decision to investigate him, arguing that it lacks justificationalso demanding that the declaration scheduled for Monday, July 29, be cancelled.

In a written statement, Barrabs’ lawyer argues that There are no reasons to change his status from witness to investigatedbased on two reports from the UCO which conclude that the contracts awarded to his company occurred completely normally. No reason can be deduced to make a statement as a suspect or to lead the investigation against Mr. Barrabas, he points out.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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