Saturday January 21, 2023 | 8:43 p.m.

Like the femicide of Natalia Ester Castro in the city of Posadas, the brutal crime of Nilda Rosa González in the Buenos Aires town of Francisco Álvarez, Moreno district, in Buenos Aires, shakes and challenges the entire country.

Even President Alberto Fernández decided to make his position public, ensuring that in his government “we are committed to the search for equality” and pointed out that “we are going to redouble our efforts” so that “there are no more Nildas for whom we cry like today”.

“Macho violence hurts our entire society. We are committed to the search for equality and we are going to redouble our efforts,” the head of state wrote on his Twitter social network account.

In this sense, he affirmed that “this femicide calls us to be alert and act together to stop the violence” and expressed: “A strong and heartfelt hug to Nilda’s family.”

“And that justice be done for her death,” the president asked at the end of his post, in which he replied to a thread published on the same social network by the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Ayelén Mazzina, about Nilda’s femicide Rosa Gonzalez, 29 years old.

In her publication, the minister expressed that: “We do not appear dead, they kill us! Nilda’s femicide today fills us with rage and mobilizes us” and added “I hug her family and the entire community of Moreno with all my might. No It is one more piece of news, because sexist violence is not an isolated event”.

Likewise, he maintained that “I am not going to stop working so that this wild machismo ends!” and added: “I am sure, in the Argentina that we all want, there is no place for violence of any kind.”

“That’s why I call for collective action again, everyone: let’s stop femicides,” Mazzina said, ending her post with the phrase: “Not One Less!”

alarming statistic

The newspaper Perfil publishes in its edition today that so far this year, at least ten femicides have been registered. The first was that of María de los Ángeles Dayer (43) in Entre Ríos, on January 6. Her ex-husband had threatened her the day before that he was going to kill her and the next day she came back from her and shot him twice. Then he shot himself in the mouth and after being hospitalized for a couple of days, he died.

Valeria Luján González (28) was found dead by her father in a cesspool in the Buenos Aires town of Batán. Her partner had said that she had left in the morning and the young woman had not returned. She went with her father-in-law to make the complaint and the next day her horror was discovered.

Valeria’s father found her dead in a well in the house that the girl shared with her partner. Then the defendant’s truck was found at sea, for which it is suspected that she tried to simulate her suicide. But later, Leandro Cechetto was arrested in Miramar.

Elena Arago (24), Rocío Lezcano (30), María Laura Cejas (38), Sofía Bravo (26), Elizabeth Sosa, María Soledad Zalazar (22) and Valeria Oviedo (21) complete the unfortunate list of women murdered in a context of gender violence to which Natalia Castro and Nilda González joined in recent days.


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