The requests of Alves's victim: 150,000 euros, 12 years in prison and a restraining order

December 30, 2022. Date on which life completely changed Dani Alves. The footballer is in preventive detention after an alleged sexual assault on a 23-year-old girl at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona. On January 20, he entered the Brians II prison and almost a year later, he is still behind bars despite his defense’s attempts to provisionally release him from prison until the trial.

The victim’s defense, led by Ester Garcaissued a document of accusation to the Barcelona Court, in which it was announced the requests and guarantees requested by the complaining party for the purposes of the sentence, which will be known in February, as stated by Mayka Navarro. The lawyer asks 12 years in prison for the accused, three years more than those requested by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The lawyer also claims a compensation of 150,000 euros for the physical and psychological consequences caused by the attack. An amount of money that the victim rejected in the first instance, given that his only objective was for justice to be done and for the footballer to pay for what happened. However, history has changed. On August 4th, Ester issued a document to the magistrate of the case, Concepción Cantón, where he stated that his client’s initial intention regarding compensation should be revoked. The request was accepted in just 24 hours.

Guarantees for the final judgment

A change endorsed and contemplated in the so-called law of Only s is s. This rule includes the possibility that the victim can revoke the waiver, if the consequences of the crime end up being more serious than initially contemplated. He was not aware of the full consequences of the crime nor of the supervening circumstances that would prevent him from developing anxiety-depressive symptoms of overall moderate intensity and, therefore, a significant deterioration in various areas of daily functioning.

On the other hand, The victim’s defense also requests a restraining order of 1,000 meters and the prohibition of the accused from contacting the young woman. for a period of ten years greater than the requested sentence. That is to say, a total of 22 years. The lawyer also demands guarantees for her client at the time the final hearing is held. Professional accompaniment during the trial, avoiding confrontation or eye contact with the accused and ensuring that there is no public during the session.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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