As you may know, The Sandman is returning to Netflix and the episodes will start filming in the summer. What’s interesting to note, however, is that neither Netflix nor any of the actors refer to the second season as Season 2.

The Sandman is known for jumping between different directions as the plot unfolds, so it could be that Netflix has something else planned is a traditional continuation when the new episodes are released sometime in 2024. Mason Alexander Park, who plays Desire, talked about the strange naming scheme and when we will see more of The Sandman.

“Netflix has not gone on record as calling it a season 2 on purpose. And so, I will, from now on and in the future, and possibly until the end of the universe not refer to it as season 2 until we know what it is. There is more Sandman coming in a really cool way and it can take many forms, so we’re starting shooting in the summer and we’re gonna tackle the next huge chunk of stories in however long that might take, and I’ m really excited to share the format of what that might be with everybody eventually.”

Are you excited to watch The Sandman: Season Two – or whatever Netflix decides to call it?

Thanks WinterisComing


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