The Santa Fe engine pistoned

While the devaluation and the bullfight accelerated the currency crisis, the Santa Fe piston slowed down. The productive and agro-export matrix of Santa Fe He felt the shock of this week as it had not happened in many years, and his activities opened the umbrella. Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa, that so much depends on and ponders the activity of the region, dug its own grave with the devaluation forced by the IMF that has direct effects on the income of dollars.

Agricultural exports, industry of all kinds, biofuels, refrigerators, and the commercialization of grains and by-products, to name a few, were suspended during the week. “The grain market is paralyzed, the devaluation gave sudden death to the agricultural dollar,” they defined Letter P in the market.

With the gaps flying, nobody sells anything to the cereal companies, nobody lifts a finger. The gap is the worst enemy for the grain market because the producer, for more improvement in the exchange rate than there was, observes the rise of the parallel that scales and scales, and chooses to wait unless necessary.

In addition, the presidential Javier Miley insists on dollarizing, so the producers dream even more of another exchange rate to change their grains. In the brokerage environment, the libertarian’s program is beginning to be listened to more attentively since Sunday, and many are convinced that it is viable.

Strictly speaking, the problem is one of supply, with a conditioning base that was the drought that is still felt in the stock, and a context that was the exchange rate run. “We are going to a total paralysis of ports in the short term if it continues like this,” says a source from the agro-export sector. This means less liquidation dollars, just what the candidate minister does not need. Today they do not see a panorama, rather than wait.

The sale of fertilizers also led to increases in different products. The approvals of the so-called SIRAS (System of Imports of the Argentine Republic) do not flow but do come out. There seems to be no more margin to stop the field.

For its part, the automotive sector directly feels the devaluation impact of its imported components and vehicles. Several automakers have released a new price list for vehicles such as Fiat and, in Santa Fe, the giant GM I could follow those steps. In addition, the usual complications of imports are magnified and the wait to enter vehicles also adds to the uncertainty. For now there is no production brake in sight at the automaker installed in Alvear.

yes in the fridge Swift that it decided to paralyze its Rosario and Venado Tuerto plants, giving the staff vacations starting next week because there is no farm. Without cows, there is nothing to do, they say. The same does not happen with the refrigerator alfredo coto. “Normal activity, at least for the moment,” they explained. Meanwhile, the price of meat rose more than 30%.

The one that was about to stop and create a problem of great dimensions was the biofuel industry. The 27 Santa Fe plants that produce biodiesel for the obligatory cutting of diesel stopped their production and sent a letter to the Secretary of Energy requesting a correction of the last sale price because they cannot cover production costs. They also warned of a possible shortage of diesel, with all that it implies in the productive Santa Fe. They gave him 20%, a few points less. “There was no way to convince to cover all the devaluation,” they explained to this medium.

The Santa Fe matrix is ​​key to national activity and feels the impact if some macro indicators disband, especially the exchange issue. Nobody wants to move too much, everyone hopes that the gap will be less next week and prays that the storm does not hail.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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