Hato Chaparralito has been looted says Hernández

Many military and political eyes on the herd El Chaparralitolocated in a strategic site of the border state Apure. A few days ago, more than a thousand cattle from that herd were placed with the Governor’s iron. “I’m surprised to know that, because I personally told the Governor Piñatewhen he visited me, while I was at home in prison, that the president of the Circuit, Edwin Blanco, through Judge Laprea, was asking me for half a million dollars to decide my case”.

The cattle with the iron of the El Chaparralito herd were branded with another iron from the governorate of Apure
The cattle with the iron of the El Chaparralito herd were branded with another iron from the governorate of Apure

That’s how it says Reyes Gabriel Hernandez Gonzalez, El Finquero, owner of El Chaparralito, in conversation with infobaeemphasizing that “the house where I was detained came to lobby a judge named Méndez Laprea and he asked me for half a million dollars so that he could give me the herd and go free. Later, on a second visit, Laprea went with Edwin Blanco, president of the Circuit. I told them that I could not give them such an amount that I also did not have. “Then you’re going to be stuck and I’m not going to give you the herd,” Blanco told me. I told my wife that the situation was going to get complicated because those guys have immense guts.”

He assures that he was determined not to deliver those 500,000 dollars to the two officials of the judiciary, even more so after having been imprisoned for three years in the basement of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (Dgcim) in Caracas. When he is released, that same day he is summoned again to sign some papers and he is arrested again for a trial held in Apure, which is why he is finally sent home to jail in San Fernando de Apure.

Wilmer Arcángel Rodríguez Véliz, president of the state company Corporación Ganadera Bravos de Apure
Wilmer Arcángel Rodríguez Véliz, president of the state company Corporación Ganadera Bravos de Apure

“Judge José Antonio Méndez Laprea told me that he had bank accounts in the United States and in Spain; ‘I handle all of Dr. Edwin’s and you have to deposit me, it could be at Bank of America. Can you give us 100 thousand up front and the rest later? In order for the audience to be granted, you must have deposited at least 50% ‘and the remaining 50% when you are already in the herd and sell the cattle’ he told me. My answer is that he could not make a commitment that he could not fulfill ”.

After that, Hernández says that he made up his mind and “I call Eduardo Piñate, who had already won the governorship although he had not received the position, and I want to explain the situation to him. His wife answered the phone and told me ‘he is taking a bath but I’ll give him his message’. And he called me back saying that we should talk personally, that I should give him the address and that the next day at 9:00 in the morning he would be at the house where he was imprisoned. And so it was, we even took a photo together, where he is with the mask and I with the necklaces that I had while I was in jail.

The Finquero Reyes Gabriel when he had a house in jail and receives a visit from Governor Eduardo Piñate
The Finquero Reyes Gabriel when he had a house in jail and receives a visit from Governor Eduardo Piñate

“I explained to Piñate that the problem I was in was caused by God given hair and until then Governor Ramón Carrizalez, that the least I wanted was problems, that my only interest was to continue working. The response of the recently elected governor Piñate is that he would give an order ‘so that you receive what is yours and if you are innocent you will be dismissed, so stay calm; Carrizalez has behaved very badly in this state, but I came to do justice as Nicolás Maduro ordered me,’ he told me.

Magistrate Maikel Moreno would be the power that has supported Edwin Blanco for six years in total control of the judiciary in Apure
Magistrate Maikel Moreno would be the power that has supported Edwin Blanco for six years in total control of the judiciary in Apure

Edwin Blanco has been the president of the Judicial Circuit and the Rector Judge of Apure state for at least six years, so he has accumulated a lot of power. Who protects him? The answer is given to Infobae by a lawyer who does not hesitate to say: “Blanco Lima’s power derives from the protection he has had for years from magistrate Maikel José Moreno Pérez; all the criminal, civil, administrative, Lopna and agrarian jurisdictions, depend on Blanco, so he imagines the accumulated power at its maximum expression ”.

For his part, Reyes Gabriel Hernández says that “I didn’t know Piñate and he came to the house with his wife, a dark-haired woman who looks like a calf. They arrived in a white Toyota Four Runner pickup, with two men in civilian clothes; They drank coffee and we talked.

“I remember everything perfectly, because the hearing where they dismissed me was on December 10, 2021. Laprea had gone on December 2 or 3, the next day at night he went with Edwin; and Piñate was on the 5th or 6th of that December”.

“As I noticed him sincerely, I told him the truth: ‘Governor, I want you to know that Edwin Blanco and Laprea are asking me for half a million dollars and if I don’t hand it over they won’t release me.’ Piñate’s response was: ‘Don’t worry, I’m going to talk to the judge’ and he did. In my presence, he called Judge Carlos Jaimes and told him: ‘Make the decision in accordance with the Law, don’t be afraid, because Reyes is being extorted and I’m already handling the information.’ Given that, the judge told him that if that was the case, then he was going to decide the case.

He confesses that he went to the hearing where Judge Carlos Alberto Jaimes Gómez acquitted him and ordered that the El Chaparralito herd be handed over to him. “It was when the commissioner of the DGCIM, El Gavilán (Juan Bautista García Arocha) arrested Judge Jaimes and my lawyer, the retired captain (Ex) Juan Carlos Guillén Rosales.”

In this case, according to El Finquero, the highest civil and judicial power of the Apure state is involved: Governor Germán Eduardo Piñate Rodríguez; the president of the Judicial Circuit of Apure and Rector Judge of Apure, Edwin Manuel Blanco Lima; and the Third Judge of First Instance in Control Functions of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of Apure, José Antonio Méndez Laprea.

Reyes Hernández asserts that “Edwin Blanco says that he spoke with Governor Piñate and that if I do not pay half a million dollars I will never be able to go to the country again and they will expropriate El Chaparralito, without reason and being with the figure of preventive seizure”.

President of the Apure Judicial Circuit, Edwin Blanco Lima
President of the Apure Judicial Circuit, Edwin Blanco Lima

“Thousand 300 cattle from the El Chaparralito herd were given the iron of the Government, which is the map of the state of Apure, without any sale or order, or anything. The Court summoned Wilmer Rodríguez to clarify everything that had been stolen from the herd, but the individual said that he would not attend because “the governor already gave me a line and I have nothing to do in court.” That means that the Governor was the one who ordered the cattle to be shoed,” says El Finquero.

“I do not understand this action by the Governor, because he told me that time at home that he had come to fix things in the state, he asked me to trust justice and the Apure state. Judge Carlos Jaimes made the decision, contrary to what Edwin Blanco wanted about my case. He trusted what Piñate said and they put him in prison and also my lawyer, ”said Reyes Gabriel Hernández González.

He adds that officials have already removed 90% of the cattle from his El Chaparralito herd. He assures that Wilmer Arcángel Rodríguez Véliz, who is the head of the Bravos de Apure Livestock Corporation, which brings together the herds of English companies, “is using the machines I own, on his farm, called the Gato Gordo herd, located in Mantecal . Those machines are important to the herd on my property because they must be used on the dam that is about to give way. Not only that, he also took the tractors, the refrigerator, the ice maker, the kitchen, everything he took for his farm ”.

“Rodríguez took 1,200 cattle for his property, including buffaloes and calving cows. Four months ago he took a new boat from me. He had taken two caterpillar machines, a gray Toyota, the Vicson top, three 36-disc harrows, three Jhon Deer machines with air conditioning, equipment from the main house: refrigerators, kitchens, machines, televisions, furniture, washers, dryers. , in addition to horses, ponies and mares. They have looted El Chaparralito. There are even 6 police officers in jail for the theft of 28 parent bulls”.

Judge José Antonio Méndez Laprea
Judge José Antonio Méndez Laprea

“I have received information that Ramón Carrizales gave him part of an Agroflora herd. And the INTI assigned a part to Corona, the mayor of the Muñoz municipality. That Gato Gordo herd is a foundation of the San Pablo de Agroflora herd; Carrizalez gave part of that to the mayor and another to Wilmer Rodríguez,” says Hernández, who finally assures that there are a series of sounds of calls and messages that reveal how they tried to extort him and have told him to pay half a million dollars or Judge Carlos Jaimes and his defense attorney Juan Carlos Guillén Rosales will remain in prison even though they should already be free.

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