The signs that indicate that you might be lacking in vitamin B9 (essential for women)

Vitamins are those essential allies for our body to function properly at any age, but this in the case of women it becomes even more essential especially with the hormonal changes that are often associated with stages such as menopause or the pregnancy.

Stages and hormonal changes in womenin which the integration of certain beneficial vitamins in the diet may become more or less necessary, this is the case of vitamin B9 or folic acid.

The role of vitamin B9 in adulthood is fundamental and is associated with all kinds of benefits for health, disease preventionthe health of the fetus during pregnancy or even the relief of certain symptoms during menopause such as hot flashes.

We will tell you all about this vitamin, also present in some key foods of the Spanish Mediterranean diet and its benefits for women’s health.

What is vitamin B9 or folic acid

Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient that our bodies cannot produce on its own, so we must obtain it through the food we eat. This nutrient plays a crucial role in several biological processes, including the protein synthesis and DNA formation.

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A necessary nutrient for tissue growth and repair, as well as for proper development of cells and red blood cells. And it is that, by including foods rich in folic acid in our diet, we ensure that our body functions properly and maintains good health.

It is important to mention that the B complex vitamins, such as folic acid (vitamin B9), are soluble in water and are absorbed into the body through this process. Due to this feature, they cannot be stored in the body, therefore it is necessary to obtain the required amount of these vitamins through the diet.

The natural form of vitamin B9 is folate, while folic acid is a synthetic form used in vitamin supplements or fortified foods. Folic acid is also an essential vitamin during pregnancysince it can help prevent some congenital malformations in the fetus during the gestation period.

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Taking the proper dose of folic acid during pregnancy will contribute to the proper development of the baby in the womb. For this reason, it is common for health professionals to recommend pregnant women take folic acid supplements to ensure an adequate supply during this crucial period of fetal growth and development.

Functions of vitamin B9 in the body

Among the functions of folic acid or vitamin B9 in the body, we find that this nutrient is necessary for everything, it is necessary for the renewal of skin cells processes of growth and renewal of structures in the body. Among its main functions are:

  • Genetic synthesis: Vitamin B9 protects healthy cells and helps the body create new cells, preventing premature aging and the progression of degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
  • Produces ribonucleic acid: This compound participates in protein synthesis and performs the function of sending genetic information. This acid along with proteins, vitamin B12 and vitamin C are essential to form proteins and other cellular processes.
  • Nervous system: Folic acid is an essential vitamin for the formation of the nervous system, it helps prevent diseases such as depression and improves the state of depressed patients. In fact, in recent studies on Alzheimer’s, it has been observed that the concentration of folic acid is lower in people with Alzheimer’s, compared to people of the same age who do not suffer from this disease.
  • Relieves the symptoms of menopause: Folic acid increases estrogen levels, so it helps maintain its levels and alleviates the symptoms associated with menopause.
  • Increases fertility: For those women who want to get pregnant, the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin or vitamin B supplements is recommended.
  • Improves skin health: Vitamin B9 is necessary for the renewal of skin, hair and nail cells. Therefore, a diet with a good supply of foods rich in folic acid can help prevent the appearance, for example, of premature gray hair, skin or nail problems.

How does vitamin B9 influence pregnant women?

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During pregnancy and one month before conceiving, it is necessary to increase the intake of folic acid. This is because during the developmental stage of the fetus, important biochemical reactions occur that are essential for your growth.

If a woman’s folic acid levels are low during pregnancy, there is an increased risk that the baby will develop neural tube defects. These defects occur when the neural tube, which is the structure that gives rise to the baby’s brain and spinal cord, does not close properly during the first weeks of pregnancy (between days 21 and 27). This is something that can lead to serious health problems such as spina bifida, anencephaly, and encephalocele.

To prevent them, it is essential that those women planning to become pregnant or already are, get enough folic acid. The recommended amount is usually at least 400 micrograms a day.

In addition to preventing neural tube defects, folic acid can also help prevent other health problems in both the baby and the mother during pregnancy. For this reason, it is essential to follow a balanced diet and take folic acid supplements recommended by a doctor during this important time. This will guarantee a proper development of the fetus and the health of the mother will be taken care of.

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How a lack of vitamin B9 affects non-pregnant women

A lack of vitamin B9 can also affect women who are not pregnant. These are some of the common symptoms:

  • Megaloblastic anemia: Folic acid deficiency can cause a special anemia in which red blood cells become larger than normal, causing fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: A lack of folic acid can lead to symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Fatigue and general weakness: Folic acid is important for maintaining energy and the proper functioning of the body, so its deficiency can cause tiredness and weakness.
  • Neurological problems: In more serious cases, a lack of folic acid can affect the nervous system, causing mood swings, depression, concentration difficulties, and nerve problems.
  • Increased cardiovascular risk: Folic acid deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

Foods that can increase vitamin B9 levels

These foods can help you increase vitamin B9 levels, while being beneficial for women’s health and a perfect option to include in a healthy diet. And it is that, all women can benefit from a diet rich in folic acid due to its vital role in the production of red blood cells and in various metabolic functions. These are the foods that you should include in your diet:

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  • Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, Swiss chard, broccoli, romaine lettuce, kale, watercress, and mustard greens are excellent sources of folic acid.
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, beans (beans), broad beans, peas and soybeans are rich options in this vitamin.
  • Citric fruits: Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, and lemons are good sources of folic acid.
  • Tropical fruits: Papayas, mangoes and plantains (bananas) are also rich in this vitamin.
  • Avocados: They are an excellent source of folate and offer many other health benefits.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, peanuts (peanuts), walnuts, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds are nutritious options.
  • Fortified cereals: Look for whole grain cereals fortified with folic acid to ensure you get an extra dose of this vitamin.
  • Fortified breads and wheat products: Some breads and wheat products are fortified with folic acid, which can help increase your intake of this vitamin.

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