The Spanish hit that became the anthem of the Scottish National Team 43 years after its premiere

It was 1977 in a Spain full of changes. The end of the dictatorship and the beginning of democracy began to introduce new developments in all areas of society. Also in a music in which the language began to be much more varied and in which national artists found in English a way to open up to the international market.

An example in this sense was do Baccara, composed by Mayte Mateos and María Mendiola, two artists who worked in the Spanish Television ballet and who ended up creating one of the best-selling and most listened to songs in history: Yes Sir, I Can Boogie. The song, which was number 1 on the charts in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the USSR, has had several resurrections over the years.

One of the most notable is the one I experienced in Scotland. If it was already a success in the United Kingdom after its launch, Yes Sir, I Can Boggie experienced a second youth in the years of the pandemic thanks to the national football team. The responsible? Soccer player Andy Considine during his bachelor party.

From a bachelor party to the throats of the fans

The events take us to 2015. Thanks to social networks, a video of the former Aberdeen player dancing to the song in a miniskirt and bra surrounded by his friends went viral. The thing stayed there until Considine was used as an exceptional resource by Steve Clarke in a team full of coronavirus infections for their play-off against Serbia.

The match ended with Scotland qualifying for the 2021 Euro Cup and with the entire squad celebrating an achievement that had eluded them since 1996.. The song chosen for the celebration could not be other than Yes Sir, I Can Boggie, which relaunched the song in the United Kingdom. So much so that the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra released their own version of the song.

The reaction of the fans was quite similar to that of the followers of Deportivo de la Corúa with El Mambo by Kiko Rivera. Suddenly, thousands of Tartan Army fans were chanting the anthem on their social networks and in the streets of the country.. Yes Sir, I Can Boggie had become the Scottish counterpart to the Sweet Caroline of its English neighbors.

The story even reached María Mendiola shortly before she died. In an interview with the BBC, the singer thanked everything that had moved around her song. They tell me it rings every five minutes. I was like Tutankhamen in the pyramid that I don’t even leave the house because of the coronavirus and now I feel like I’ve been given an injection of adrenaline. I’m delighted. I thanked the team and spoke to Andy on Instagram, cont.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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