The theatrical comedy Bajoterapia returns to the stage in Miami

MIAMI.- The theatrical proposals presented at Teatro 8 in Miami are distinguished by being comedies supported by an intelligent, suggestive text, far from all vulgarity and vulgar language.

It is a type of theater that has very well-established followers and playwrights, with works that have traveled halfway around the world and premieres that are successful, with long seasons and generally good reviews. One of them is Under therapy, by the Argentine playwright Matas del Federico, a text with which its author won the CONTAR 1 contest, organized by the Argentine Association of Actors, and the Association of Theater Entrepreneurs. From that moment on, Under Therapy has been in theaters in more than 20 countries and a film version has been made.

In Miami, the company Cirko Teatro y Teatro 8, owned by Jessica Álvarez Diguez and Alejandro Vales, presented it for the first time in 2016 with resounding success. The announced return to the scene after 8 years can be considered a great premiere, since there is a new audience that will see it for the first time.

With this work we were in theaters for a year with a great response from the public, says Jessica Álvarez, part of the production. We wanted to make this new season because of the solidity of this text, which is so current and so real. Furthermore, he points out that Under therapy is currently playing in Argentina in at least five different places in the country.

Under therapy brings together three couples in the same place to discuss their problems and conflicts, but the session is quite unusual, since the psychologist has left a series of envelopes with instructions that the patients must follow. What begins as conventional therapy quickly turns into chaos full of surprises and also humor.

The play is made up of a cast of professionals with a solid career as actors. Claudia Albertario, Gabriela Gonzlez and Jessica Álvarez Diguez, in the female roles and Gabriel Martina, Sal Mauricio Mendoza and Alejandro Vales, in the male characters. The direction is shared by Jessica Álvarez Diguez and Alejandro Vales, who have experience directing themselves.

About Under therapy It has been said that it is a comedy with a lot of humor, incessant dialogues, sometimes cutting or contradictory, but that flow at a dizzying pace and keep the viewer in suspense.

The producers point out that this play actually offers a unique look at humor and the human condition, ensuring it will be one of the most outstanding productions of the season.

Under therapy is presented on Saturdays at 8:30 pm and Sundays at 5:00 pm, at Teatro 8, 2173 SW 8 Street, Miami, 33135. Reservations or by calling 305-541-4841.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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