Larreta advances with his campaign and was in Ituzaingó / Larreta press

Together for Change creaks. Strictly speaking, what creaks is the PRO, one of the main partners of the opposition alliance. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta’s decision to challenge Mauricio Macri for the yellow leadership triggered a fight that the entire political world saw as inevitable. But what also generated this clash is the laundering of the deep conceptual differences between all the protagonists, which ultimately generate the intestinal pull and open questions.

Since he got out of the presidential race and Larreta planted his own flag, Macri appears as a Taliban of the supposed yellow purism, an almost capricious cultist of the idea that the PRO -which he would consider a personal patrimony- has to turn to the ideological right , especially in economic matters, something that in truth he never applied when he was president of the Argentines.

It is one of the items that today separates him from the mayor of Buenos Aires, until now a militant of centrism and moderation, from the radical partners and from Elisa Carrió, founder of Together for Change.

Carrio’s statement

Adept at reading the times, Lilita said on television what the larretistas and the radicals think at this time: that Macri obstructed his political vision, that he now supports the thesis that in October society will choose extremes and that for this reason he believes that it is necessary to somehow ally with rising libertarian Javier Milei.

“The problem with the opposition is that Mauricio does not want to be in Together for Change. He does not want to be with radicalism or with the Civic Coalition. He said it: he wants to be with Milei, ”Carrió shot in an interview with the LN + channel.

What Lilita said, in effect, is what Macri has supposedly spoken in private: the need to reformulate Juntos, perhaps the dissolution of the main opposition coalition as it is known up to now. Put like that, with a Peronist government in sharp decline and the certain possibility of returning to power, it sounds like shooting yourself in the foot.

A senior Maurician source told this newspaper that in the former president’s environment there has been talk of an Open Primary scenario between Patricia Bullrich, a supposed hawk in the internal life of the PRO, and Javier Milei. This excludes, in effect, the UCR and the Civic Coalition. And to Larreta, obviously. Thus, all those actors would be on an opposite side. It is not clear based on which objective element Macri thinks that this new alliance would be more powerful than the iron union of the current Together for Change.

At the idea of ​​Milei

Milei himself said the same thing that is heard near Macri in an interview with Radio Rivadavia: “We are in time to create a party and go to an inmate with Patricia Bullrich, the one who wins leads and the one who loses accompanies. It would be giving him a purer solution, ”said the man with the strange hairstyle. All the moderate PROs believed they were reading Mauricio’s handwriting in those sayings.

Contrary to what the tough Macrismo believe will happen in the elections, Rodríguez Larreta assures intramurals that he has measured that there is a respectable band of voters who will seek “rationality” in October. Leadership without madness. He has planned a campaign for that universe. But first he followed the advice of his electoral strategists, international experts who advised him: “Nothing will be possible without breaking with Macri.” This is what he did when he announced the “concurrent” elections in the City of Buenos Aires without first consulting his former boss.

In theory, Bullrich is in tune with Macri’s preaching regarding the need to put aside “warmth” and, supposedly, in sympathy for Milei. But it wouldn’t be that simple. In the bunker of the former Minister of Security, the convenience of seeking a certain strategy to detach a little from the tutelage of the former president is being evaluated. Without getting away completely because she intends to benefit from Mauricio’s resignation from the presidential race.

An example of this is what Bullrich told the TN website, when asked about the millennial idea (Mauricista?) of putting together a new front: “I am from Together for Change; final point”.

A limit for radicals

Bullrich has something very clear: Milei is a limit for radicals. they hate it. She is cultivating a relationship with a group from the UCR, Mendoza such as Alfredo Cornejo, Rodolfo Suárez and Ernesto Sanz (internally they call it the “Malbec Group”), and Gustavo Valdez from Corrientes. She knows that this harmony strengthens her figure as a pre-candidate in the Juntos dynamic; that she thus has a letter to tie up with Rodríguez Larreta, closer to Jujuy’s Gerardo Morales -president of the UCR- and to the Evolution sector, of Martín Lousteau.

A priori, Bullrich would not seem willing to risk this principle of understanding that could be translated into a joint formula for the presidency. But she, in parallel, she knows that she disputes with Milei the toughest anti-Kirchnerist vote, the one that demands toughness within toughness. It is a dilemma to solve for the former minister.

María Eugenia Vidal surprised yesterday by contributing an idea whose authorship, in truth, was questioned by the entire yellow arch. In a radio report, the deputy, who sees herself as a candidate for president, said: “I believe that the PRO has to drop all the candidacies, for all positions, and start over. And think about what is the best offer to make to Argentines in the province, in the city and in the country”. Bombshell. disruptive idea

Was it agreed with former President Macri, who has promoted his candidacy to annoy Larreta, Vidal’s former mentor? Why would Bullrich and the mayor of Buenos Aires accept that? Is it a preview of what his resignation to compete for the presidency will be like, while his name sounds like a pledge of unity for the PRO candidate for the Buenos Aires leadership if Jorge Macri’s nomination falls through the courts? Mysteries of the yellow world.


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