Colombia puts the first obstacle to the FEPCUBE and winks at the regime

The selection Cuban formed by the Cuban Professional Baseball Federation It was scheduled to premiere at the date of Barranquilla with the participation of six countries. However, the dream of seeing a “United Cuba” will have to wait, because it was Intercontinental Series suspended.

The organizers of the event, the Team Renteria informed the teams and the press that the event in Barranquilla will not take place, following an order from the Colombian government to avoid the presence of the team created by the Cuban Professional Baseball Federation outside the regime of their country.

This creates discomfort in the FEPCUBEbecause it is considered an offense and mockery of democracy and freedom.

In an official statement from the Cuban federation, they explain that “the decision taken by the Colombian and Cuban governments breaks with the precepts of free sport and is a direct attack on democracy.”

The Cuban team created with the intention of providing unity to Cubans who cannot return to their country, so they can represent their homeland, had the presence of stars such as Aroldis Chapman, Yulieski Gurriel and Jorge Soler. However, that dream is dashed by a government decision.

Even so, the Cuban team that will not be able to debut in an official tournament will be able to play an exhibition duel at the Miami Dade College stadium.

The team named “Patria y Vida” will have a conference with the press at the end of the event this Wednesday, January 17.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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