The US leaves room for oil companies to continue operating in Venezuela

WASHINGTON- The United States condemned this Thursday Venezuela’s decision to withdraw the invitation to the European Union (EU) to observe its presidential elections on July 28 and asked to reconsider the measure.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that “the United States is deeply concerned by the decision” announced two days ago by the electoral authority.

“This action goes against the commitments acquired in Barbados in October 2023 to support the integrity of the electoral process,” the spokesperson continued in relation to the agreement signed by the Venezuelan regime and the opposition with mediation by Norway.

Dictator Nicolás “Maduro and his representatives must immediately reverse this decision and allow credible international electoral observation that generates confidence in the electoral process,” he added.

The pro-government National Electoral Council (CNE) announced on Tuesday its decision to exclude European observation after the bloc ratified individual sanctions against some 50 Chavista officials, but temporarily suspended that of the president of that body, the pro-government Elvis Amoroso.

“We will continue working with the international community to support the aspirations of the Venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous Venezuela,” Miller insisted.

The Barbados agreement led the United States to partially lift an embargo on the Caribbean country’s oil, gas and gold, but it reimposed them six months later by repudiating actions against the opposition within the electoral process.

In addition to the EU, the CNE invited the Carter Center, the BRICS and the African Union to observe the elections.

Maduro will seek a third term that would project him to 18 years in power. His biggest adversary is Edmundo González Urrutia, appointed by the main opposition alliance on behalf of the disqualified leader María Corina Machado.

The EU sent a mission in 2021 for the last mayoral and gubernatorial elections, in which it identified some irregularities. Their presence ended abruptly after Maduro branded them “enemies” and spies.”

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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