At a time of a new hearing in the trial against the eight rugby players accused of beating Fernando Báez Sosa to death in Villa Gesell in January 2020, one of those involved -Ciro Pertossi- asked to testify to try to clean up his image. For that, he relied on a video in which the victim is on the floor and continues to be beaten by the attackers.

“This boy is me and I would like to clarify that I do not give that kick and that when I realize that the boy is on the floor I stop before. I did not kick Fernando”Pertossi said as he stood in the courtroom and pointed to his image on the screen where the images were played with a pointer.

In the images, he is seen going to kick Fernando Báez’s head, but a camera movement does not finish focusing on the moment, which is when, according to his version, his foot does not impact the body of the 18-year-old boy who by then already he had been attacked by the mob.

Immediately afterwards, he also referred to a recording sent the morning of the murder, at 6:06 a.m., in which he is heard saying “guys, you don’t tell anyone about this.” In this regard, he stated: “There were already people from Zárate who said that we had fought, I say that because I did not want my parents to find out that we had fought. This is all I’m going to declare.”.

Once Pertossi finished with his words, the prosecutor Juan Manuel Davila He began with the questions, but the defendant clarified that he was not going to testify further. “I already answered that”replied the young man, who concluded: “What I had to say, I already said it”. In this way, she went to sit down and immediately afterwards, at the time of the statement, the judge stated that there is no point in continuing to ask if the young man is not going to answer.


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