Nicolás Maduro declares the Barbados agreements in intensive care

MADRID.- The last repressive attack of the regime Nicolas Maduroconceived since January, reached its peak last week with the arrest of Rocio San Miguel, director of the NGO Citizen Control and with dual Spanish and Venezuelan nationality, generating a wave of international criticism, according to the newspaper. The Country of Spain in his editorial.

The world has turned its attention to Venezuela, governed by a regime that tries to show itself as democratic and open to negotiations and/or dialogue, but in reality represses, eliminates or expatriates all those who are uncomfortable due to their criticism or opposition.

San Miguel’s arrest did not go unnoticed, and has unleashed a series of reports that show that repression in Venezuela is systematic.

In the Spanish newspaper’s editorial, it is recalled that Rocío San Miguel’s arrest took place at the Caracas airport, and for three days the authorities did not provide information about her whereabouts. Finally, she was sent to the intelligence service prison, known as El Helicoide, on charges of terrorism and treason. This fact adds to a series of repressive actions that include the arrest of collaborators of María Corina Machado, opposition candidate.

The editorial highlights that, unlike previous episodes, on this occasion the evidence presented against San Miguel is scarce, limited to an edited video in which a soldier links her to an alleged conspiracy. Given this situation, the United States, the European Union and numerous NGOs condemned her arrest.

This increase in repression occurs at a crucial time, as presidential elections are expected to be held in Venezuela, although without clarity on the calendar. In addition, Chavismo has announced that it will not allow her to participate as a candidate, which has generated strong international criticism and caused divisions within the opposition over the election of a new candidate.

The editorial also highlights the apparent turn toward openness that Maduro had shown in 2023, when he approached the opposition and some agreements were reached at a dialogue table in Barbados. However, this supposed change has turned out to be a mirage, since the regime once again activated its repressive machinery, even threatening to prosecute those who question the official version.

The editorial concludes that, although these repressive tactics may ensure Maduro’s permanence in power in the short term, they further distance the possibility of free and fair elections, which are demanded by Venezuelans and supported by the international community.

Source: With information from El País

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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