L’Authorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) has announced the implementation of new regulations around I will contrast SMS Truffaldini che spesso si presentano como messaggi provenienti da banche, aziende o altre istituzioni legittime.

The new regulations look to protect gli utenti dai tentativi di phishing e altre frodi, restrizioni sull’uso di aliases como mittente degli SMS.

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Currently, many users receive SMS in which the identity of the sender comes represented by a alias Anziché gives an effective telephone number. This practice has opened the door to a significant increase in truffle attempts through false mittenti in corso del tempo.

To face this problematic, the AGCOM has arrested provvedimenti and He has defined a series of regulations that dovranno essere rispettate da tutte le aziende che utilizzano alias come mittenti degli SMS. Secondo le nuevo disposizioni, gli alias dovranno will be officially registered in an apposite record. Inoltre, i gestori di telefonia dovranno bloccare i tentativi di spoofing e segnalarli alle autorità competenti.

In order to avoid further confusion, AGCOM has specified that it will not consent to the registration of aliases similar to brand notices or digital formats. Ad esempio, alias come “UniCredit” either “190” saranno vietati.

Un’altra misura dottata foresees the creation of a portal through which sarà possible I will identify the effective business che has sent the SMS starting from the alias displayed. This new platform will allow agli utenti to verify the authenticity of the message ricevuti and to avoid cadere vittime di truffe.

Although the introduction of this new regulation, the green light remains, it will be effective in contrasting the SMS truffaldini and will provide greater protection for users. Currently, We are not in a position to communicate the temporary information required for the activation of the new registration. Tuttavia, if you expect that the responsibility of the frodi does not risk finding escappatoie in the system in the short term.

The initiative of AGCOM to regulate the use of aliases for negligent SMS is a step in the right direction to combat the truffe that sizzles in this widespread practice. It is incoraggiant to see that the communication regulatory authority is actively tackling this problem and is closing in on security for all users. However, it is fundamental that the new regulations come into effect in an effective and timely manner, at the end of providing a true protection against the truffe via SMS.

It is supported by AGCOM to continue to monitor the neighbor’s implementation of the new regulation and rapid provision of garments to deal with eventual scapegoats or abuse. The safety of the utensils must be an absolute priority and AGCOM has the responsibility of guaranteeing that the measure of the introdotte is not effective and sufficiently robust to contrast the truffatori tattiche.


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