There is no greater luck than having us: this is the Christmas Lottery 2023 announcement

The Christmas is just around the corner, and there are already those who have in their hands some of the long-awaited tenths of the Christmas Lottery. A raffle that is a tradition in our country, and that, like the holidays themselves, unites families and friends who seek to try their luck and win the long-awaited Grand Prize.

But this giveaway would not be the same without its charismatic advertisement, which came to light this very Wednesday. They have done it through the president of Loteras y Apuestas del Estado, Jess Huerta Almendroin the Royal Mint in Madrid. An advertisement that, for the sixth consecutive time, has been carried out by the agency Contrapunto BBDO, which was the first Spanish agency to win the Grand Prix at the Cannes Advertising Festival.

An announcement that this year will carry a very different concept than last year. In the words of Jess Huerta, we do not want to stay in the draw that unites us as a symbol. On the other hand, for this edition they will go for another slogan like There is no greater luck than having us: To have people, loved ones, co-workers, friends.

The city of Madrid, empty

The story of this 2023 stars a young woman named Bea (the actress Andrea Thurman), what, overwhelmed with day-to-day life, routine and hustle, she ends up forgetting to buy the tenth of the lottery that her father asked her to buy.who is played by the actor Carlos Olalla. That same night, the young woman I wish everyone would disappear. That’s when she wakes up in a Empty Madrid, without peopletaking him to enjoy that solitude throughout the city, going to stores to try on clothes, eating ice cream and going to the movies, and even smelling the paintings in El Prado.

However, when he is on a rooftop, he calls his father, and then realizes that the phone has no signal. Of AH decides to go to a Lottery administration to buy the tenth that he wanted. But there is no one, she is still alone, and goes to bed sad. A situation that changes the next day, when she wakes up to the voices of the children of San Ildefonso, and to his father in the kitchen of his house, with whom she melts into a hug while telling him how she got the money. tenth. The tenth? The tenth is for this, to be togetherthe father answers.

An announcement that comes after the campaign was launched in the summer I’m also from here‘, with which Loteras y Apuestas del Estado invited tourists and people from different areas of Spain to buy a tenth in the places they visit at this time of year.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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