They sue Sofa Vergara for failure to pay for the renovation of her mansion

MIAMI.- While Sofa Vergara obtains a restraining order protecting her from a stalker, a compaa contractor present one demand against the Colombian actress for failing to pay for the 1.7 million dollar renovation that was carried out in her mansin.

According to information from the magazine People, the company Reside Custom Homes (RCH) points out that the Colombian company refused to pay two invoices corresponding to the months of March and July of the current year. The documents obtained by the publication show that the amount of the renovation that was done in Vergara’s house was 1,700,492.64 million.

The company claims that Vergara breached the contract, and accuses her of other misconduct that was not described by People.

However, the Modern Family star’s lawyer, Martin Singer, asserts that Sofia had previously sued this company for overcharging for a job that they claim was negligent. In addition, RCH allegedly did not complete the repairs in the estimated time, for which compensation of five million dollars was demanded for the damages caused.

Singer asserted that Vergara will win this legal battle.

Beginning of the conflict

Sofa Vergara bought a mansion in Beverly Hill in 2020 worth $26 million, according to Records. The property was acquired when she was still married to actor Joe Manganiello.

It was in April 2022, when the actress required the services of RCH to renew it. The company claims in the complaint that it was in December 2022 when they completed the work, and that it was the date they had agreed upon. Likewise, she points out that there were never any complaints during the work and that she constantly attended the work to supervise the progress.

The company also maintains that its employees and subcontractors allege that they received mistreatment in the workspace, while it states that Vergara engaged in out-of-character behavior such as: “he humiliated, ridiculed, harassed and tried to intimidate them.”

At the moment, neither Sofa Vergara nor her legal representative have commented on the matter.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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