They want to deport from the US a Cuban who suffered a stroke

A Cuban, barely 49 years old, residing in Colorado Springs, in Coloradosuffered a stroke on March 19 and now faces the tough possibility of being returned to the island since he lacked papers and Medicaid at the time of the serious health incident.

The Cuban – identified as Néstor Fernández Izquierdo – is admitted to Penrose Hospitaland the institution offers the family a solution to send him to Cuba because the man does not have papers or medical insurance in the United States and the hospital says that it cannot continue taking care of the expenses, as revealed by the journalist from Univision, Javier Diaz.

Néster Fernández arrived in the United States on a boat in May 2023 but at that time he did not report to the Immigration authorities.

It was not until January of this year that he began to manage his documentation, but neither his social security number, nor his work permit, nor his Medicaid were ready when he had the serious health problem.

The person who is taking care of Nestor is his sister, Daineris Fernández, who has only been in the United States for four monthsand who does not have the necessary resources to assume his brother’s medical expenses.

“By not having insurance, he is bearing the costs of the hospital and they want to make the necessary arrangements to take him to a hospital in Cuba. They told me that he could take him to my house or that they could process the deportation,” explained Daineris, who stressed that his brother now requires permanent medical attention.

Néstor Fernández spent almost 25 days in a coma after suffering the neurological accident, which affected the left side of his brain.

He will need rehabilitation therapies and his family is asking for help so that this process can be carried out in the United States since taking him back to Cuba would be the worst option given the delicate physical condition of the patient and the crisis facing the island.

Daineris Fernandez Ask for help of any kind to help you deal with the situation, whether financial or legal guidance on what you can do.

The other option that the hospital gives you in addition to sending you to Cuba is the transfer to the city of Miami. The aforementioned source revealed that they want to charge the woman a little more than 7 thousand dollars for the transfer of her brother from Colorado to the city of Miami.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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