You are currently viewing This enchanted masterpiece of French cinema is available for free

One of the emblematic films of French cinema is now available to stream for free. The opportunity to discover or rediscover this masterpiece on

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If you are behind on certain classics of French cinema, the platform offers to make up for it. Indeed, it has made one of the most emblematic films of French cinema available free of charge, Donkey Skin. You will immerse yourself in a magical visual aesthetic but also sumptuous sets and costumes, all carried by a top-flight cast. Directed by Jacques Demy in 1970, Donkey Skin is an adaptation of the tale by Charles Perrault. The story tells the adventures of a princess named Peau d’Âne, played by Catherine Deneuve, who finds herself confronted with particular situations. After the queen’s death, the king promises to marry only a woman more beautiful than her, but he finds no one other than his own daughter to satisfy this demand. Donkey Skin is then forced to flee the castle and takes refuge in a cabin in the middle of the woods where she becomes a servant disguised in donkey skin. This cult film is also a musical tale, the song Love recipe performed by Catherine Deneuve has become very famous.

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Peau d’Âne, a three-star casting

If Catherine Deneuve is absolutely perfect in the role of Peau d’Âne, the rest of the cast is no less so. At his side, Jean Marais plays the king, ready to do anything to marry his own daughter after the death of the queen, while Jacques Perrin plays the role of prince charming, who falls in love with Peau d’Âne when he meets her in the forest. Delphine Seyrig plays the role of the Lilac Fairy, a magical character who helps Peau d’Âne throughout his journey. The film’s talented cast and unique visual aesthetic helped make it a classic of French cinema. But not only…

Donkey Skinmusic that leaves a lasting impression

The film’s soundtrack, composed by Michel Legrand, is also an essential element of the success of Donkey Skin. The music contributes to the magical and magical atmosphere of the feature film. She accompanies key moments in the story and adds a touch of poetry to each scene. Michel Legrand, renowned composer, created a unique atmosphere that perfectly matches the world of the story. The music of Donkey Skin continues to charm spectators today. Considered a cult film, Donkey Skin was director Jacques Demy’s biggest box office success and still retains its enchanting aura today.

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Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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