You are currently viewing This film which marks Clint Eastwood’s farewell to the western is broadcast this evening on TV

This Monday, October 2, 2023 at 9:10 p.m., France 3 broadcasts Ruthless. In this twilight western, crowned by four Oscars, Clint Eastwood bids farewell to a genre of which he was one of the most emblematic figures.

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In 1992, Ruthless, broadcast this Monday, October 2, 2023 at 9:10 p.m. on France 3, hits theaters. Here, the weathered face of the great Clint disappears under the guise of William Munny, a repentant outlaw and widower who mounts his horse one last time in the company of his sidekick Ned, played by Morgan Freeman. The objective? Avenge a prostitute disfigured by a drunken and sadistic cowboy… But that was without taking into account the fierce opposition of Sheriff Little Bill Daggett (Gene Hackman) who reigns supreme over the small town of Big Whiskey, located in the Wyoming.

Ruthless : the twilight of the western

With his aging and disillusioned appearance of a melancholic old cowboy, William Munny is part of the continuity of the solitary vigilantes played on screen by Clint Eastwood, notably in the dollar trilogy (For a handful of dollars, and for a few more dollars And The good, the bad and the ugly), Men of the High Plains And Pale Rider. In RuthlessClint thus brings to the screen a 15-year-old project, the screenplay having been written since 1976. Darker in its twilight atmosphere, the director of Gran Torino depicts a great west in decline, an image of a genre that has been running out of steam for several years. Clint Eastwood thus signs a major work in the history of cinema, often considered as the last great classic western.

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Farewell to the Western by Clint Eastwood

In the immense career of Clint Eastwood, Ruthless is a turning point: it is also his farewell to the western, a genre of which he was one of the most emblematic faces for almost three decades. And as a symbol, the film credits end with “Dedicated to Sergio and Don” (Dedicated to Sergio and Don), in homage to the filmmaker’s two mentors, directors Don Siegel and Sergio Leone. The latter, who died in 1989, revealed it to the eyes of the world in For a handful of dollars. Race report: Ruthless triumphed at the Academy and received four Oscars, including best director and best film. Hats off!

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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