When we talk about effective fat loss and slimming, also influences and a lot the hours before bed. Something as seemingly simple as get enough sleep and ensure quality sleep they can help you better control your appetite, regulate your metabolism, or even burn calories in a healthy way. But on the contrary, eating dinner late, having dinners that are too abundant or eating fast, among many other habits, could be harming that weight loss.

We know that there are no magic formulas to lose weight, but yes Nighttime habits that may be making it hard for you to achieve a healthy weight and specifically an increasingly common habit, which could be affecting not only the quality of rest, but also successful weight loss. We tell you what it is.

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The nocturnal habit that makes it more difficult to lose weight

When we talk about healthy nocturnal habits, in addition to following a balanced and nutritious diet as a fundamental basis, there are other habits which also play a fundamental role in well-being, such as sleep.

In this regard, there is a habit that could be affecting the quality of rest and effective weight loss and this is none other than look at the mobile screen or watch television before going to sleep.

And there are several studies that suggest that this blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the proper functioning of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for regulating the daily sleep cycle. This hormone is released in the dark, but by altering the biological clock with screens before going to sleep, it causes it to not be released correctly, making it difficult to sleep, but also causing our brain to ask sugars and carbohydrates for that lack of rest.

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In addition, by sleeping less hours at night, more waking hours will be affected and this will significantly reduce the ability to make healthy choices throughout the day and it will also make it difficult to carry out activities normally, even those that have been planned for weight loss or simply for a healthier lifestyle, leaning towards a more sedentary lifestyle.

Other nocturnal habits that will help you lose weight

In addition to ditching screens and blue light at night, there are other nighttime habits you may need to change and that directly influence sleep quality and weight loss. Take note.

Eat foods rich in tryptophan

Tryptophan acts as a precursor for Melatonin, which is responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles. It is also related to an increase in serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that influences the regulation of appetite, according to this study carried out by the National Institute of Pediatrics of Mexico. Also influencing the moods, sleep and anxiety. So do not hesitate to include these foods in your dinner:

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Tryptophan is a compound that you can find in foods such as: milk and derivatives, eggs, meat, fish, bananas…

In fact, a gesture as simple as drink a glass of warm milk before bed, it can be a routine that helps you fall asleep better and the reason for this is found precisely in its tryptophan. This amino acid that can help you relax and feel better. The only bad news is in the extra calories that contribute. So choose skimmed milk and combine it with a low-calorie but filling dinner.

Avoid copious meals

We are not talking about sleeping on an empty stomach, but we are not talking about making an excessive dinner either. You will have to find the middle term, ensuring a healthy and balanced dinner, which satisfies you but no overeating. So make sure you control the amounts and remember that excessive dinners, in addition to making it difficult to rest, make it difficult for the body to burn calories from food, turning them into fat.

Avoid eating very late

Did you know that eating dinner too late is also related to obesity? This is due to having a late dinner, there is less energy expenditure and a tendency to exceed calories. Experts Recommend Dinner lightly at least three hours before going to bed, so that the body can have time to carry out the digestion process beforehand.

Take infusions to sleep

Another of the best tricks to guarantee a good sleep and lose weight while we sleep is to consume an infusion just before going to bed. Infusions like chamomile, mint, lavender, valerian, or spearmintthey not only help us feel more tired, but they will also relax you and calm your appetite.

(The juice of this fruit not only refreshes on hot days: it burns fat and helps to lose weight)

Guarantee darkness in your room

Make sure that when you go to bed, the room is completely dark so that your sleep is not interrupted. And it is that as we have advanced you, the light brakes the secretion of melatoninso it may not be released correctly and therefore we will not be able to relax or enjoy rest.

Brush your teeth after dinner

A gesture as simple as brushing your teeth after dinner and not before going to bed will help you avoid falling into temptation to eat again.

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Let go of stress or anxiety

A study carried out in 2018 and published in Obesity Reviews demonstrated that stress, lack of sleep, and weight gain are associated. So the best thing is that before going to bed you put aside stressful thoughts, worries and anxiety, especially if you want to guarantee a good rest and continue taking care of your figure. Take advantage of that moment of the day to take a hot bath, drink an infusion to sleep or meditate and relax.

Do not lie on the sofa directly after dinner

We know… There is nothing more tempting than lying on the sofa after dinner and a whole day of activity, but if you want to facilitate weight loss at night this is not the healthiest gesture. take advantage of take a walk after dinner as advised this study published in International Journal of General Medicine or simply stay active for a few minutes washing the dishes, preparing clothes or food for the next day or playing with your pets or children.

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