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This Sunday July 17, Giuseppa, Paga’s fiancée, recently seen in It’s the familyanswered a few questions from her subscribers on Instagram about the conception of her daughter Giorgia… Including one that particularly surprised her.

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A clarification is necessary! Giuseppa and Paga welcomed their first child, a little girl called Giorgia, on April 28, a few weeks early. “Hello, my name is Giorgia, I was born on April 28 at 4:29 a.m. in Marseille as a baby. I’m already 3k185! And I’m so fit that I was born a month early”, they had published with pride on social networks. The two former reality TV candidates shared on Instagram the different stages of the young woman’s pregnancy – including childbirth -, and today continue to share their hectic daily life with their little princess. It must be said that the last few weeks have not been easy for the couple since their baby suffers from several health problems, notably digestion, which is starting to ease. However, by sharing so much with Internet users, Giuseppa received many negative comments, which led him to have a big rant.

“Rather a surprise”Giuseppa takes up an Internet user who asks him if the conception of his daughter is “an accident”

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This Sunday, September 17, Giuseppa took advantage of a few minutes of respite while his daughter took a nap to answer questions from his subscribers in his story on Instagram. If the young woman is very close to her community, she did not expect to receive such personal questions about her pregnancy. “Is Giorgia an accident?”asked an Internet user. “OMG AN ACCIDENT! But no, this word is so trashy! It’s absolutely not one, no! Quite a surprise!”she said, before continuing: “We discussed it before but we didn’t expect it at the time. But it was obvious.”

“We weren’t paying attention”Giuseppa reveals not to have been careful with Paga

If Giuseppa explained that her pregnancy was a real “surprise”one of her subscribers pointed out to her that she had stopped taking the pill, which could explain her pregnancy. “I stopped the pill four months after meeting Paga for my skin problems, as far as I know, there are other alternatives than the pill fortunately”she revealed, before revealing that she had lacked vigilance with her fiancé: “Then it turns out that one day we weren’t paying attention, it only took one time! It’s fate.”

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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