You are currently viewing Thomas Gottschalk: Thomas Gottschalk receives a harsh verdict "Bet that …?"-Farewell

The entertainment news in the GALA ticker: Thomas Gottschalk talks about “Wetten, dass …?” farewell +++ Franca Lehfeldt shows her extraordinary body language +++ Rebecca Mir defends Countess Eloise.

Entertainment news 2023: All news and developments in the GALA ticker

15. September 2023

Thomas Gottschalk: Serious words about the “Wetten, dass…?” farewell

In November it will be said one last time: “Great, the bet stands!” The last “Wetten, dass…?” program will flash across the television screens and that’s it. Thomas Gottschalk, 73, has already spoken about the reasons for the show’s exit. At the beginning of August he declared: “The great days of Saturday evening entertainment (…) are over.” In an interview with “Bild”, the showmaster is now even clearer and more serious.

“I may not necessarily have the right mental attitudes from my past that I needed to function today,” admits Gottschalk. He speaks of “two worlds that meet” he would come from one, the majority of his audience “from Middle Earth or something. I’m afraid that at some point I’ll have to explain the guests on the couch.” And his general age also seems to have played a role in the decision. Gottschalk makes a harsh and final judgment about his fellow human beings: “I simply have to accept that my generation is done for!”

Franca Lehfeldt shows her extraordinary body language

Franca Lehfeldt, 34, regularly gives her fans an insight into her everyday life. The horse owner often takes her followers with her to the stable. But Christian Lindner’s wife, 44, also shares impressions from her professional life every now and then, like now!

Lehfeldt is as Chief political reporter at the television station “Welt” and also moderates there herself. Now she had a short break on the set, as she shows in her Instagram story. She used this to settle a few other matters. And the journalist does this in an extraordinary pose that seems to go beyond a cross-legged position. “I have 100 other things to do between shows. I worked on body language for a long time,” jokes the 34-year-old.

14. September 2023

Rebecca Mir defends Countess Eloise

Countess Eloise von Oranien-Nassau, 21, now in Berlin, expected an unexpected amount of hype surrounding her. At a Coca-Cola event on Wednesday, September 13th in the P61 Gallery, she had to be guided through the crowd by an assistant, as a video from RTL shows. Despite the interest in her person, King Willem-Alexander’s niece, 56, did not want to give any interviews that evening. The young woman also avoided the storm of flashbulbs.

Countess Eloise received help from an unexpected source from Rebecca Mir, 31. The moderator of the event showed understanding and told RTL: “If you belong to the royal family and are also an influencer, you have to be careful what you say and how you carry yourself. That’s a very, very big pressure that’s probably on her.”

13. September 2023

Annett Müller: Well, recognized? Here she shows her “true face”

All that glitters may not be gold, but in the case of the new posting by Annett Müller, 45, it is definitely humorous jewels. In a very self-ironic manner, the presenter shares several photos that show her and her colleagues behind the TV cameras. And the photo series reveals: From double chins to squints, there is something for everyone. “When the TV cameras are off and we show our true colors… (sic),” she comments on the pictures. And consequently states: “Taking yourself too seriously only creates wrinkles!”

But it’s not just Annett who seems to have a lot of humor, her colleagues are also up for fun away from the cameras. Together with Steffi Brungs, 34, Janique Johnson, 32, and Daniel Fischer, 46, the presenter ensures a lot of fun within her own ranks and among her followers. “I would love to play pussy in the studio sometime. There’s always a lot to laugh about with you,” says one user happily.

12. September 2023

IBES: TV sensation! Jungle camp anniversary comes in a double pack

Fans of the legendary RTL format “I’m a star, get me out of here!” your heart will open! Next year, the jungle fun could flicker across the screens in two seasons. The occasion is the 20th anniversary of the annual street sweeper, which every January brings together German and sometimes even international celebrities from A to Z around the campfire in the Australian jungle and spends two weeks of evenings with all sorts of disgust tests for the candidates on the captivated audience mist.

According to the industry service DWDL the station supposedly wants to do in addition to the usual one Sonja Zietlow55, and Jan Kppen, 40, moderated the jungle camp edition at the beginning of the year Down Under, will produce an additional season in the summer. As in the British offshoot of the successful format, campers from previous years will come together for an “All Stars” get-together, but in South Africa, where filming took place once in 2022 due to the corona pandemic. However, it is said that the anniversary season will be pre-produced and will not be broadcast live every day. It is not yet known which former jungle residents will get involved in the TV adventure again. However, it is already clear that the IBES special will first be broadcast on RTL+ and then regularly on RTL.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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