TikTok confirms its control by the Chinese communist regime

CARACAS.- La red social TikTok announced that it removed 604 inauthentic accounts from Venezuela, which were involved in deceptive and manipulative activities. This action is part of the entertainment platform’s efforts to combat inauthentic behavior and influence operations.

“We ban and constantly work to disrupt attempts to engage in covert influence operations by manipulating our platform and/or detrimentally misleading our community. We ban accounts that attempt to engage in such behavior, and we take action on others that we evaluate,” the statement details. section from “Counter-influence operations” from TikTok’s transparency page, according to a review The National.

The measure is part of a broader action that led to the suspension of thousands of accounts in Latin America. Of a total of 3,263 inauthentic accounts related to influence operations, 521 operated from Venezuela with the aim of favoring the Nicolás Maduro regime and manipulating the discourse on the Esquibo territorial dispute.

The report also indicates the suspension of 83 accounts that operated from Chile, which sought to artificially amplify narratives in Spanish in support of a Venezuelan opposition politician, thus affecting the electoral discourse in Venezuela.

The suspended accounts accumulated more than 220,000 followers and alternated between content that showed the beauty of Venezuela and political publications.

The report published by TikTok on its website highlights that the detection of these irregularities was possible thanks to an internal investigation by the company.

“When we ban these accounts, any content they posted is also removed, just as it would be with any other banned account,” it adds.

This action reinforces TikTok’s commitment to the integrity of its platform and protecting its users from manipulation and covert influence operations.

Source: With information from El Nacional

Tarun Kumar

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