The tax collection of the commune of Ouaguenoun, wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, was the scene of a theft of a large sum of money. And this, in the night from Monday to Tuesday. Indeed, these are the revelations of local sources reported by a French-speaking media in its new issue. According to the same media source, it was only the day after this incident that the stolen sum was noted by the officials of the office.

Indeed, the amount stolen was estimated at 1,400,000.00 DA. This one was looted from the coffers of the establishment. According to the revelations of the source cited above, the security services immediately opened an investigation to determine the circumstances of this incident. Efforts made by the responsible services have made it possible to reveal several details in this case.

An investigation has been opened

As mentioned above, the investigation conducted revealed several details. Indeed, evidence of break-in was found during this investigation. In this wake, it should be recalled that the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou has already experienced several incidents of this kind. Indeed, the postal agency of the village Berber, commune of Timizar, daïra de Ouaguenoun has already been the subject of an armed robbery, a few weeks ago now. As a result, 390 million centimes were stolen. Moreover, it is the same case of the post office of Mekla.


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