Friday April 14, 2023 | 7:51 p.m.

The Secretary of Commerce of the Nation, Matías Tombolini, spoke after knowing the data of 7.7% inflation for March, well above what was expected. In this regard, the official pointed to “price makers” who “are not complying with the agreement.”

“The inflation data that was released today is data that hurts us and we are aware of the impact that this entails in the pocket of Argentines,” said the official from the Palacio de Hacienda, acknowledging that the effort carried out so far to contain inflation “has not been enough”.

At the beginning of the press conference, he explained, in line with the national government, that “the worst drought since 1922, the strongest heat wave since 1906 in a month of March, as well as the bird flu boosted the index that we just met.”

Referring to inflation in food and beverages, which reached 9.7%, Tombolini blamed price makers. “Over the last few months, with the Fair Prices program, we have established a system of agreements where we invite price makers to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.”

However, he recognized that although the program is being carried out in hypermarkets, the same is not happening in local businesses, in which “more than 60% of the consumption of our compatriots transits.”

Through a series of data, Tombolini indicated that increases in food and non-alcoholic beverages have varied unevenly. While INDEC reported inflation of 9.7%, products within the Fair Prices program increased by 5.1% and local businesses increased by 11.8%.

“From here on, the course of action that we will carry out is clear,” said the official and determined: “We will advance with the price agreements with the exporters, who will have access to the differential dollar so that they comply with the price and supply, in what has to do with the regional economies that the Secretary of Agriculture will select”.

“At the same time we are going to strengthen the rigor with the price makers in the inspection,” said Tombolini. The economist indicated that they will work with municipalities and provinces to deepen controls.

“Together with the new administration of the Central Market, we aspire to improve controls and work with price makers in fruit, vegetables and ortalizas,” he added. Finally, he concluded that, “understanding that the central objective continues to be to defend the purchasing power of those who live on a salary, in the months that follow the work in conjunction with the different areas of the Ministry of Economy and the National Government will be to deepen the policy that makes it possible to broaden the range of agreements and strengthen controls”.


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