Traditional dishes to serve at Christmas Eve dinner

MIAMI.- Just a few hours away from Christmas, Families prepare to celebrate with a cena especially the importance of Christmas Eve. And it is at the table where traditions flourish to remember our roots and pass on the culinary legacies that characterize the various cultures of the world to new generations.

For this reason, it is customary that in December, and especially on Christmas Eve, the events and moments to share are characterized by having as their center a good food based on turkey, chicken, pork or roast. The options vary depending on the roots and culture that is embraced.

If you are still not sure how to enjoy this special date with your loved ones, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS presents you with some of the typical recipes of Latinoamrica.

Baked glazed ham

The glazed ham recipe is one of the most typical in the world. The mix of flavors that characterizes this dish is an almost irresistible option that can not only be served at dinner, it is also a protein that works perfectly for the preparation of a Christmas breakfast, a lunch or to serve as a snack.

The ham is characterized by a golden color that it acquires when it is varnished with a mixture of salty and sweet sauces, and is also decorated with some fruits such as pineapple in syrup and cherry. Likewise, there are those who add some spices when baking it to achieve a more intense flavor.

And although on the outside it is a masterpiece, on the inside it preserves a juicy color and flavor that have made it one of the perfect pieces for the Christmas table.

Roasted Black

The famous Venezuelan black roast is also a gastronomic piece that has gained strength on the Christmas table. In addition to the traditional hallacas and chicken salad, this cut of meat popularly known as Muchacho Redondo is seasoned with paper or brown sugar, while adding sauces, vegetables and spices.

There are those who also add a touch of cooking wine to intensify the flavor.

Although those less expert in the kitchen consider it a difficult dish to prepare, roasting is a delicious option to delight your guests, and can also be prepared at other times of the year.

Stuffed pork or loin

Despite being a common dish in the region, in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the flavor of Christmas has pork as its main protagonist.

Holiday parties usually have as their main accompaniment a stuffed pork loin or leg that is prepared roasted, baked or on embers. Its large size, although it ensures that its cooking time will be long, ensures that the dinner is prosperous and there is enough for those who wish to enjoy a little more.

Christmas lamb

Those who want to go beyond the traditional and experiment a little more in the kitchen can also prepare a delicious Christmas lamb.

The preparation of this meat is one of the simplest, since the main ingredient is salt so that it acquires a delicious flavor and it is placed in the oven. There are those who can use wine or some sauces and butter to add a little more juiciness to the piece.

The lamb is ideal to be accompanied by potatoes, vegetables or salad with vinaigrette.

Christmas turkey

Just like Thanksgiving, turkey is an ideal accompaniment to serve at a Christmas dinner.

Although there are many ways to prepare it, it is customary to make a turkey for the holidays stuffed with green apple, bacon, dried fruits and broth so that the meat is juicy when served.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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